For the policy on scheduling Convocation ceremonies see the Structure of the Academic Year policy at: Currently scheduled information on convocation is on the Senate website:
Recipients of Certificates and Diplomas will be listed in the Convocation Program, and will be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremonies.
Convocation - Recipients of Two Degrees, Diplomas or Certificates
When a candidate is to be awarded two degrees, diplomas or certificates (or any combination of these) during one convocation period, the Registrar will be permitted to release both diplomas to the graduand at the convocation ceremony of the first degree program scheduled in the convocation period.
Convocation - Awarding Double Degrees at Convocation
For students who are eligible to receive two degrees at convocation:
1. If both degrees are to be awarded at the same convocation ceremony, the student may cross the stage only once, and must make a choice as to the degree grouping with which he or she will process. Both diplomas will be given to the graduate offstage.
2. If the two degrees are to be awarded at different convocation ceremonies, the student may cross the stage in one or both ceremonies. Both diplomas will be given to the graduate at the first of the ceremonies in which he or she participates.
Degrees, Diplomas And Certificates [to be officially conferred at Convocation ceremonies]
Degrees, diplomas and certificates will be conferred officially at the appropriate convocation ceremony following successful completion of the program requirements and an application to graduate if required, or will be available for pickup by the graduate within 3 business days subsequent to the ceremony.
Degrees, diplomas and certificates are retained in The Office of the Registrar for two years after Convocation.
Degrees, diplomas and certificates normally will not be awarded in advance of convocation ceremonies. A degree, diploma, or certificate may be released early at the discretion of the Office of the Registrar if the student demonstrates that the document is required by an employer or for a work visa. Students presenting an official offer of employment may, by application and payment of the appropriate fee to the Office of the Registrar, request release of their document no sooner than two weeks prior to their scheduled convocation. The document released will bear the date of the appropriate scheduled convocation ceremony.
All other students who require notice of confirmation that their program has been completed (in addition to an official transcript) may apply to the Office of the Registrar with a request for a letter attesting to the fact that they have completed the requirements of their program.
If a student’s degree, diploma or certificate has been lost, stolen or destroyed OR the student requires a duplicate or duplicates, subsequent diplomas can be produced by application and payment of the appropriate fee to the Office of the Registrar. All subsequent degrees, diplomas and certificates will be issued:
• using the current Western diploma printing standards and Officers
• with the words “Duplicate Copy” affixed to the parchment
(Exception for DDS graduates who satisfy requirements between June and October)
Degree Diplomas for DDS Graduates:
In order to practice dentistry, graduates of the DDS program must present a copy of their diploma to the Royal College of Dental Surgeons and thus obtain a certificate of registration. In April 1994, Senate approved that the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) be granted retroactively to June for students who satisfy all of the requirements for graduation after the June convocation date for Dentistry but before the October convocation. Based on this precedent, Senate approved procedures for granting a DDS degree to a student in the program who completes the degree requirements after Autumn Convocation in October. The date that will appear on the degree is the date on which all degree requirements were completed. The graduate's name and the date of the degree will appear in the Program of the Spring Convocation Program that next follows, and the graduate may request the opportunity to participate in the Spring Convocation next following.
In Absentia Convocation in February
Senate approved the establishment of an in absentia convocation to be held in mid-February for students who complete their degree requirements by the end of the preceding fall semester. Students who have their degrees conferred in February will be given the opportunity to participate in the appropriate June convocation ceremony.
The deadline to receive applications for graduation in February (i.e., at the in absentia February Convocation) is set as January 22, or, if the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the next business day. The in absentia February Convocation will be scheduled for the last Friday in February.
Statement re Posthumous Degrees
Contingent on approval by the dean, a posthumous degree may be granted at a Convocation ceremony.
An autumn convocation ceremony will be held for graduates from programs of the Richard Ivey School of Business, normally scheduled at the end of August.
Policy on Eligibility for Participating in the Spring Hong Kong Convocation Ceremonies
There will be a University-wide Convocation Ceremony in Hong Kong that involves, in addition to those who complete their Executive MBA degree in Hong Kong, any undergraduate or graduate student who was eligible to graduate at a preceding Convocation ceremony in London or in the Spring ceremony of the same year. All students are required to apply to participate in the Hong Kong ceremony and will receive either their degree diploma (if not collected at a London ceremony) or a Certificate of Participation. Students identified to participate who normally would have their degrees conferred in the subsequent June, are still eligible to be recognized in Hong Kong. However, their degrees will be conferred officially at the June convocation, and their diplomas will be mailed to them upon request. Note: Some details relating to a June graduate’s academic achievement may not be known (“with distinction,” gold medal winner, etc.) in time for identification at the May Hong Kong Ceremonies.
Graduation Diplomas and Certificates
Degree Diploma Wording
Recording Students' Names on Academic Records and Degree Diplomas
In order to maintain the integrity of the University’s student records, each student is required to provide either on application for admission or on personal data forms required for registration, his/her complete legal name. Any requests to change a student’s name by means of alteration, deletion, substitution or addition, must be accompanied by acceptable documentation except as described below.
Requests to Change Students’ Names on Academic Records
See “Academic Records and Student Transcripts”
Requests to Change Students’ Names on Degree Diplomas and Transcripts
Students who wish to include a variation of their complete name for the purpose of their printed degree are required to put this request in writing to the Office of the Registrar. The name variation for the printed degree will be retained as part of the student's permanent record and displayed on official transcripts with the degree conferral information.
To maintain data integrity, name change requests will not be accepted by email or through third parties without written authorization by the student.
The following are examples of acceptable requests for student name changes without documentation:
Change | Example |
Truncation of names | Alexander to A. |
Diminutives of names | James to Jim |
Variation in the order of names | Surname/Given name |
Use of religious names | Addition of Mohammad |
Removal of middle names | Jane Ann Smith to Jane Smith |
Spelling and language to be used:
Orthography: “Program” vs “Programme” and “Honors” vs. “Honours”
[1969] The Secretary of Senate stated that Senate Minutes since 1878 (the year UWO was founded) had been consistent in the spelling of the two words. Convocation programs had been published since that time in
accordance with Senate custom. [1997] Senate reaffirmed the University’s use of the “Honors” spelling.
Approvals and Signatures:
On behalf of the Senate, the Provost approves the list of Candidates for Degrees upon the recommendation of the Registrar. The list of Candidates approved by the Provost is appended as Appendix A to the Official Minutes of the June and October meetings of Senate.
Signatures required for degree and diploma program diplomas and for certificate program certificates are those of the Registrar, Dean of the relevant faculty and President of the University
Recipients S.4095
Convocation S.3269.02
Awarding Double Degrees at Convocation S.05-147
Degree DiplomasSR.11-26
Degree Diplomas for DDS Graduates S.01-8
In Absentia Convocation in February S.06-137
Deadline for In Absentia S.06-195
Statement re Posthumous Degrees S.06-139
Addition of an autumn convocation ceremony S.06-104
Policy on Eligibility SR.07-205
Recording Student's Names S.07-83
Spelling and language SR.97-113