Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements, including at least 0.5 course from Centre for Global Studies 1000E, 1021F/G, 1022F/G, 1023F/G, with a mark of at least 60%. Economics, English, Political Science, History and Philosophy are recommended first year courses.
6.0 courses:
1.0 course: Centre for Global Studies 2004F/G, 3001F/G.
0.5 course from: Centre for Global Studies 2002F/G, 2003F/G.
1.0 course from: Centre for Global Studies 3509F/G, 3513F/G, 3514F/G, 3525F/G.
1.0 courses from: Anthropology 2201F/G, 2203F/G, English 2362F/G, 2363F/G, Centre for Global Studies 2002F/G, 2003F/G; History 2701E, 2702E; Philosophy 2074F/G, 2810F/G, 3820F/G; Economics 2124A/B, 2125A/B, 2161F/G, 2163A/B, 2170A/B; Political Science 2231E, 2275E.
1.5 courses from: Centre for Global Studies 2002F/G, 2003F/G, and 3000-4999.
1.0 Arts or Social Science course numbered 2200 or above. The course(s) taken to meet this requirement must have globalization studies content and receive prior approval from the Centre.