16.0 courses:
5.0 first-year courses:
1.0 course: Business Administration 1220E.
1.0 course from: Mathematics 1225A/B, 1229A/B, Calculus 1000A/B, 1100A/B, 1301A/B, 1501A/B, Mathematics 1600A/B.
0.5 course from: Computer Science 1032A/B (required for the Diploma in Accounting), or one other half-course in Computer Science numbered 1020-1999.
1.0 course: Economics 1021A/B and 1022A/B.
1.0 course: full-course or equivalent designated essay course numbered 1000-1999E or F/G.
0.5 course: numbered 1000-1999.
11.0 senior courses:
1.0 course normally taken in second year: Business Administration 2257.
1.0 course normally taken in second year: Economics 2220A/B, 2260A/B.
1.0 course normally taken in second year: Economics 2222A/B, 2223A/B.
0.5 course: MOS 2181A/B.
1.5 courses normally taken in third year: MOS 3310A/B, 3316A/B, 3320A/B.
1.0 course normally taken in third year from: MOS 3360A/B and 3361A/B, 3372 (Note that MOS 3360A/B, 3361A/B are prerequisites for MOS 4465A/B and 4466A/B).
1.0 course from: Actuarial Science 2053, Economics 2120A/B, 2121A/B, 2154A/B, 2156A/B, 2159A/B, 2160A/B, 2165F/G, 2221A/B, 2261A/B.
1.0 course from: History 2201E, 2125F/G, 2127F/G, Philosophy 2074F/G, Political Science 2211E, 2246E.
1.0 course normally taken in fourth year: MOS 3330A/B, 4410A/B.
2.0 courses from: MOS 3372 (which must be taken in fourth year if not taken in third year), MOS 2275A/B, 2276A/B, 3325A/B, 3360A/B, 3361A/B, 3362A/B, 3385A/B, 3395A/B–3398A/B, MOS 4465A/B, 4466A/B, 4495A/B–4498A/B, Economics 2124A/B, 2162A/B, 2163A/B, 2164A/B, Geography 3422A/B.