Admission Requirements
Students who wish to enter the Honors Specialization in Psychology - BSc module after Year 1 must have completed the following first-year requirements with no failures, and have a minimum average of 75% in 3.0 principal courses, with no mark in these principal courses below 60%:
1.0 course from: Psychology 1000, or the former Psychology 1200.
1.0 course from: Calculus 1000A/B, 1100A/B, 1301A/B, 1501A/B, or the former 1201A/B, the former Linear Algebra 1600A/B, Mathematics 1225A/B, 1228A/B, 1229A/B, 1600A/B, Applied Mathematics 1201A/B, 1413, Statistical Sciences 1024A/B, or the former Mathematics 030.
1.0 course from: Biology 1001A or 1201A and Biology 1002B or 1202B; or the former Biology 1222 or Biology 1223.
1.0 course from: Chemistry 1100A/B and 1200B or the former Chemistry 1050, 1020 or 023, Computer Science 1025A/B, 1026A/B, 1027A/B, Physics 1028A/B, 1029A/B, 1301A/B, 1302A/B, 1501A/B and 1502A/B, or the former Physics 1020, 1024, 022 or 025.
The principal courses include Psychology, the Mathematics/Calculus/ Statistical Science course and one of the other science courses. 1.0 option.
Students who wish to enter the BSc Honors Specialization after Years 2 and 3 must have a minimum cumulative average of 75% or cumulative average in their last 10.0 courses of 75%, with no mark below 60%.
Progression Requirements
Students who are enrolled in the BSc Honors Specialization must maintain a minimum modular average of 75% with no mark below 60% to progress in the module.
10.0 courses:
2.0 courses: Psychology 2800E, 2810.
1.0 course from: Psychology 2115A/B, 2134A/B, 2135A/B, 2210A/B, 2220A/B, 2221A/B.
1.0 course from: Psychology 2300-2799.
0.5 course: Psychology 3800F/G.
0.5 Research course from: Psychology 3184F/G, 3185F/G, 3285F/G, 3485F/G.
1.0 course from: Psychology 3300-3899.
1.0 course from: Psychology 3130A/B, 3138F/G, 3139A/B, 3140F/G, 3209F/G, 3220A/B, 3221F/G, 3224A/B, 3225A/B, 3226A/B, 3229A/B, 3440F/G, 3441F/G, 3442F/G, 3443F/G.
0.5 course from: Psychology 4100-4999 (excluding Psychology 4850E, 4851E).
0.5 course from: Psychology 2000-4999.
1.0 course in Science/approved Basic Medical Sciences numbered 2100 or above (see additional science requirement below).
1.0 course: Psychology 4850E, 4851E.
Note: To fulfill the BSc requirements within the Honors Specialization in Psychology - BSc module, 6.0 of the Psychology courses must be selected from the following list: Psychology 2115A/B, 2134A/B, 2135A/B, 2210A/B, 2220A/B, 2221A/B, 2800E, 2810, 3130A/B, 3138F/G, 3139A/B, 3140F/G, 3141F/G, 3184F/G, 3185F/G, 3209F/G, 3220A/B, 3221F/G, 3224A/B, 3225A/B, 3226A/B, 3229A/B, 3285F/G, 3440F/G, 3441F/G, 3442F/G, 3443F/G, 3485F/G, 3800F/G, 4222F/G, 4851E.
Also, in order to satisfy graduation requirements for an Honors Bachelor of Science degree, students are required to take, outside the Honors Specialization module, an additional 1.0 course from the Faculty of Science/approved Basic Medical Sciences at the 2100-level or higher; this course may be an option or part of another module (see Graduation Regulations for Honors Degrees - additional requirements for the Honors Bachelor of Science).
Effective 2006, students registered in this module may take no more than 9.0 courses in Psychology at the 2100 level or above.