Admission Requirements
Completion of first year requirements. 1.0 course from Philosophy 1100E, 1200, 1300E, 1350F/G (Huron), Philosophy 1230A/B (Huron), Philosophy 1250F/G (Huron) or Philosophy 1370A/B (Huron) is recommended.
9.0 courses:
2.0 courses* from: Philosophy 2200F/G, 2202F/G, 2250, 2500F/G, 2700F/G.
3.0 additional courses in Philosophy at the 2200 level or above.
0.5 course from: Philosophy 3260F/G, 3410F/G, 3501F/G, 3510F/G (Huron), Philosophy 3601F/G, or the former Philosophy 332E, 3500E (King's).
0.5 course from: Philosophy 3170F/G, 3180F/G, 3700E (King's), Philosophy 3710F/G or 3720F/G.
0.5 course from: Philosophy 3003F/G, 3006F/G, 3012F/G, 3014F/G, 3020F/G, 3022F/G, 3023F/G, 3024F/G, 3026F/G, 3027F/G, 3028F/G, 3110F/G or 4050F/G.
2.5 additional courses in Philosophy at the 3000 level or above.
* Philosophy 2260F/G or 2400F/G may be substituted for Philosophy 2500F/G. Philosophy 2252W/X (or the former 222a plus a 0.5 course selected from this list) may be substituted for Philosophy 2250.
Note: Students using the former Philosophy 332E, or 3500E and/or Philosophy 3700E to meet module requirements may reduce the 2.5 additional courses in Philosophy at the 3000 level or above accordingly.