Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements with no course grade less than 60% on a full course load. Students must have an average of at least 75% in the 5.0 course load and 75% in 3.0 principal courses, including Kinesiology 1080A/B, 1088A/B, Physiology 1021, plus 1.0 additional course.
Admission to the module is restricted to students registered in the School of Kinesiology. Students must be registered in first-year Kinesiology and declare the program during the February Intent to Register period.
The BA Honors Specialization in Physical Education for Teaching is a limited enrollment program. More competitive academic standing may be required when demand exceeds enrollment capacity.
Additional Supplementary Information:
All applicants must submit (i) an experience profile reflecting on leadership and training skills (ii) one letter of recommendation that supports a background in sport, games, dance and/or exercise. Full
details and forms will be available on the Kinesiology Web site. All submissions must be received no later than April 30 of the year.
1) In planning first-year courses, students are advised to review Faculty of Education information (e.g., is there an interest in a second teachable subject for the Intermediate/Senior level [Ontario]).
2) Students are advised to review Faculty of Education application requirements to ensure that they are meeting the prerequisites for the respective university and application level (primary, junior, intermediate, senior) of their choice. Students are advised to meet with the Kinesiology Academic Counsellor.
10.0 courses:
3.0 courses: Kinesiology 2222A/B, 2230A/B, 2241A/B, 2276F/G, 3347A/B, 3363A/B.
0.5 course from: Kinesiology 2250A/B, 2292F/G.
0.5 course: Health Sciences 1001A/B.
3.5 courses from: Dance 2270A/B, 2274A/B, 3371A/B, Kinesiology 2236A/B, 2250A/B or 2292F/G if not previously selected, Kinesiology 3337A/B, 3339A/B, 3388A/B, 4410A and 4411Y, 4459A/B, 4482A/B, 4494A/B/Y, or 0.5 course from: Dance 4491A/B, 4492A/B, Kinesiology 4491F/G, 4492F/G.
2.5 activity courses from: Dance 2275A/B, 2276A/B, 2277A/B, Kinesiology 2022Q/R/S/T, 2030A/B, 2040A/B, 2202Q/R/S/T, 2205Q/R/S/T, 2207Q/R/S/T, 2208Q/R/S/T, 2210Q/R/S/T, 2213Q/R/S/T,2216Q/R/S/T, 2217Q/R/S/T, 2218Q/R/S/T, 2219Q/R/S/T, or 0.25 course from: Kinesiology 3302Q/R/S/T, 3305Q/R/S/T, 3308Q/R/S/T, 3310Q/R/S/T, 3316Q/R/S/T, 3317Q/R/S/T, 3318Q/R/S/T.
Additional Information:
In the fourth year students will be encouraged to complete a field placement experience where they can share their expertise in games, dance, exercise and fitness and/or particular subject areas such
as biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor learning, etc. Ideally the field placement will be in the school setting and during the day, but some may fall in after-school hours. Alternative placements would be in a community recreation program such as the YMCA or Boys and Girls Club. (Note: See Records Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening policy).
Students who wish to pursue a focus in coaching could choose to take the Kinesiology 4410A Introduction to Coaching and Kinesiology 4411Y Coaching Practicum combination where they will have the opportunity to experience hands-on coaching.
Prior to graduation it is recommended that students complete Education 2200E and 0.5 Writing course.
Records Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening
Please refer to the policy in the Faculty of Science section of the calendar.