Terminology/Descriptions of Academic Performance
The following terminology will be used for undergraduate courses in Arts, Business, Education, Engineering Science, Health Sciences, Information and Media Studies, Music, Science, Social Science, and the Affiliated Colleges: Brescia, Huron, King’s. Instructors shall enter one of the following on the official record of final student evaluation for each student:
A specific mark or grade
AEG - Aegrotat
AUD - Audit
COM - Complete
CR - Credit
DEF - Deferred Exam
DNW - Did Not Write
DRP - Dropped (Penalty)
FAI - Fail, for course designated pass/fail
FTW - Failed Term Work
INC - Incomplete
IPR - In Progress
NC - No Credit
NGR - No Grade Reported
PAS - Pass, for course designated as pass/fail
PWD - Pass with distinction, for courses designated as pwd/pass/fail in faculties that offer this designation
SAT - Satisfactory
SPC - Special exam
SUP - Supplemental exam, in faculties that offer supplemental privileges
WDN - Withdrawn, if withdrawal is without academic penalty
This regulation applies also to the mid-year examination period.
Additional Information on Transcripts
Effective January 1, 2001, the following changes will be made to transcripts and to the reporting of grades:
1) Class (i.e., section) average will be added to the transcript (assessing failures as 40%);
2) For passing grades, the class size (i.e., section) will be added to the transcript (including failures in the enrollment);
3) The university-wide descriptors of the meaning of letter grades outlined as follows were approved by Senate and will be printed on the back of the transcripts:
University-wide grade descriptors:
A+ | 90-100 | One could scarcely expect better from a student at this level |
A | 80-89 | Superior work which is clearly above average |
B | 70-79 | Good work, meeting all requirements, and eminently satisfactory |
C | 60-69 | Competent work, meeting requirements |
D | 50-59 | Fair work, minimally acceptable |
F | below 50 | Fail |
In some Faculties, failing grades are distinguished as follows:
E | 40-49 | Fail with supplemental examination privileges |
F | below 40 | Fail |
An annual report by SCAPA will be made to Senate showing average grades and distribution, by Faculty, and the entry average of incoming students.
Engineering: Calculation of Weighted Average Marks
[With reference to "Additional Information on Transcripts", the regulations on calculation of weighted average marks for the Faculty of Engineering are different with respect to the calculation of the average, i.e., assessing failures as 40%. See http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/regn/profprog_engineering.pdf]
For Definition of Terms view the Academic Regulations in the Faculty of Engineering section.
Incomplete Standing
A student who, for medical or compassionate reasons, is unable to complete his/her term work prior to the last day of classes and who wishes an extension in order to complete it, shall submit a written request to the Dean of the Faculty in which the student is registered. The request shall include the following information:
1. the type and extent of the work to be completed;
2. the date on which it is due;
3. the name of the faculty member who will receive and grade it.
Before making a decision, the Dean will consult with the instructor and Department Chair or Director. If Incomplete Standing is granted, the Dean shall inform the student, the instructor, and the Department Chair or Director of the date by which a final grade must be forwarded to the Registrar.
Failure of the student to meet the extended assignment deadline shall result in a grade of zero (0) for the assignment unless the Dean authorizes a further extension for medical or compassionate reasons. In any case, students who continue an Incomplete Standing in a course at the beginning of the Add/Drop period of the following registration session (including Fall, January and Intersession/Summer sessions), must reduce their course load accordingly or seek permission for an overload from the Dean of their Faculty.
The authorization of the Chair of the Department or Departmental Graduate Studies Committee shall be sufficient for granting Incomplete Standing for graduate students.
When a grade of Special (SPC) or Incomplete (INC) appears on a student's record, the notation will be removed and replaced by a substantive grade as soon as the grade is available.
Marking Scales
Marks for achievement in courses are assigned as follows:
Mark Range Grade
90 – 100 A+
80 - 89 A
70 - 79 B
60 - 69 C
50 - 59 D
Below 50 F*
* Average calculations will INCLUDE failed marks. All marks below 50% are considered failures. Failing marks below 40% will be included in average calculations as 40%, marks from 40% to 49% will be included as the actual mark reported. A count of failed attempts will be maintained.
Note: Averages will be calculated to two decimal places and rounded to the nearest whole number with .45 rounded up.
Terminology/Descriptions SR.03-130
Additional Information SR.99-279
Incomplete Standing SR.08-168
Marking Scales S.02-10