Applicants Currently Enrolled in a University, or who have Previously Attended University or other Post-Secondary Institutions - For Admission, September 2010
Entry to the Western-Fanshawe Collaborative BScN program is on a competitive basis. Applicants applying to transfer into or enter the nursing program are considered on the basis of their OSSD average and university or other post-secondary standing. Specifically,
- students applying with one year of full-time university study must have achieved a minimum 70% overall average;
- students having completed two or more full-time years of university may be admitted on the basis of a minimum overall average of 70% in the final two years of study.
- students applying from part-time university study will be admitted on the basis of a minimum 70% average in the last 10 courses completed.
- students applying from a community college must have achieved an overall GPA of 2.5 in a completed program.
All applicants must also have completed the equivalent of the following Ontario secondary school courses with a minimum grade of 60% in each:
- Gr. 12 U English
- Gr. 12 U Biology
- Gr. 12 U Chemistry
- One of:
- Gr. 11 U Functions
- Gr. 11 M Functions and Applications
Applicants Currently Enrolled in a University, or who have Previously Attended University or other Post-Secondary Institutions - For Admission, September 2011 and beyond
Entry to the Western-Fanshawe Collaborative BScN program is on a competitive basis. Applicants applying to transfer into or enter the nursing program are considered on the basis of their OSSD average and university or other post-secondary standing. Specifically,
- students applying with one year of full-time university study must have achieved a minimum 70% overall average;
- students having completed two or more full-time years of university may be admitted on the basis of a minimum overall average of 70% in the final two years of study.
- students applying from part-time university study will be admitted on the basis of a minimum 70% average in the last 10 courses completed.
- students applying from a community college must have achieved an overall GPA of 2.5 in a completed program.
All applicants must also have completed the equivalent of the following Ontario secondary school courses with a minimum grade of 65% in each:
- Gr. 12 U English
- Gr. 12 U Biology
- Gr. 12 U Chemistry
- One of:
- Gr. 11 U Functions
- Gr. 11 M Functions and Applications
Mature Applicants - For Admission, September 2010
Applicants will be considered for admission who:
- meet Western's definition of mature applicant, and
- are able to demonstrate academic success within the last four (4) years by achieving a credit equivalent to the following Ontario secondary school courses, according to the general criteria at Western, with a minimum mark of 60% in each:
- Gr. 12 U English (ENG 4U)
- Gr. 12 U Biology (BIO 4U)
- Gr. 12 U Chemistry (CHEM 4U)
- One of:
- Gr. 11 U Functions (MCR 3U)
- Gr. 11 M Functions and Applications (MCF 3M)
Mature Applicants - For Admission, September 2011 and beyond
Applicants will be considered for admission who:
- meet Western's definition of mature applicant, and
- are able to demonstrate academic success within the last four (4) years by achieving a credit equivalent to the following Ontario secondary school courses, according to the general criteria at Western, with a minimum mark of 65% in each:
- Gr. 12 U English (ENG 4U)
- Gr. 12 U Biology (BIO 4U)
- Gr. 12 U Chemistry (CHEM 4U)
- One of:
- Gr. 11 U Functions (MCR 3U)
- Gr. 11 M Functions and Applications (MCF 3M)
The School of Nursing recognizes that Aboriginal Peoples are not represented adequately in the nursing profession and therefore welcomes their applications.
Eligible Aboriginal candidates may be admitted to the nursing program from one of the two paths:
- Aboriginal candidates who have successfully completed the program's admission requirements, and whose admission average has met the annual program admission average as determined by the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing and the University's Admission Office, will be considered for admission along with all other program applicants.
- Aboriginal candidates who have successfully completed the program's admission requirements, but whose overall average has NOT met the annual program admission average as determined by the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing and the University's Admission Office, will be considered on a discretionary basis to fill four seats (two seats at the UWO site and two seats at the Fanshawe College site) set aside for applicants in this latter category.
Submission of Applications for Admission
Current OSSD applicants should request application forms from their secondary school. All other applicants should contact the Office of the Registrar.
Applications for admission to the Western-Fanshawe Collaborative BScN Program must be submitted by February 15. Because of the large number of applicants, it is recommended that application be made early. The enrolment in this program is limited.
Admissions Appeals Procedure
Following the final date for application, applicants may file any supplementary information relevant to their application with the Registrar's Office.
Decisions of the Admissions Committee are final. Applicants may request a review of the decision of the Admissions Committee, provided that such a request is based upon significant new information, pertinent to the application and not available to the applicant prior to May 1. This request must be filed with the Dean's Office not later than 2 weeks after the issuance of the original decision.
Mature/CAAT Admissions:SR.09-182