Effective May 1, 2012, or as soon as there are no longer any registrants in it, the Certificate in Religious Education will be withdrawn.
The Certificate in Religious Education is offered though the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy at Brescia University College. It is designed to provide students with a program of studies which will prepare them to choose the teaching of religions of the Intermediate-Senior curriculum in Religious Education in the Catholic Schools of Ontario as one of their teaching subjects on application to an Ontario Faculty of Education. It is open to all persons interested in education in a religious context.
Students may pursue the Certificate concurrently with their degree program. All courses count towards the student's undergraduate degree. This Certificate is composed of 3.0 required courses and 2.0 courses to be selected from an approved list.
Admission Requirements
Enrolment is based upon the completion of at least two years of study toward a BA, with a minimum overall average of 70% in two or more full course equivalents in Religious Studies none of which are below 60%.
Progression Requirements
5.0 courses:
3.0 courses: Religious Studies 1026F/G, 1028F/G, Religious Studies 2257F/G or the former 191G (if taken in W04), Religious Studies 2137 or 2249E, and Religious Studies 2232F/G.
2.0 courses* from: Religious Studies 0011 or 1031E, 2105A/B, 2106A/B, 2217F/G, 2121F/G or 2211F/G, 2130, 2150 or 2265E, 2192F/G, 2216F/G, 2251F/G, 2252F/G, 2253F/G, 2290F/G, 2291F/G.
*Up to 1.0 of these courses may be substituted from the following: Philosophy 1305F/G, 2063E or 2660E, 2070E, Family Studies 2200E or 2225E, Psychology 2075, Sociology 2235, or, with permission, another course chosen prior to registration in consultation with the Chair of the Religious Studies and Philosophy Department, Brescia University College.