Admission Requirements
Students entering the Green Process Engineering Program must have completed the common first year curriculum of Engineering with a minimum year-weighted average (YWA) of 70%.
Green Process Engineering Program
Second-Year Program
Applied Mathematics 2411, CBE 2214A/B, CBE 2220A/B, CBE 2221A/B, CBE 2291A/B, ECE 2238A/B, ES 2211F/G, GPE 2213A/B, GPE 2214A/B, GPE 2218A/B.
Third-Year Program
CBE 3317A/B, CBE 3323A/B, CBE 3325A/B, GPE 3310A/B, GPE 3315A/B, GPE 3322A/B, GPE 3324A/B, GPE 3382A/B, GPE 3383A/B, GPE 3385A/B, Statistical Sciences 2143A/B.
Fourth-Year Program
Business Administration 2299, GPE 4484A/B, GPE 4497, one of: CBE 3363A/B, CBE 4407A/B, CEE 4405A/B, two 0.5 technical electives*, 0.5 non-technical elective**, ES 4498F/G.
* Green Process Engineering Program Technical Electives:
CBE 3321A/B, 3363A/B, 3392A/B, 4425A/B, 4407A/B, 4417A/B, 4432A/B, 4433A/B, CEE 4405A/B, 3361A/B, 3362A/B, MME 3303A/B, 4443A/B, 4481A/B, 4483A/B, 4423A/B.
**Selection of the non-technical elective must be approved by the Department Counsellor to satisfy the CEAB requirements of subject matter that deals with central issues, methodologies, and thought
processes of the humanities and social sciences. An approved list can be found on the Engineering website.