1.0 course: Social Justice and Peace Studies 1020E. 1.0 course from: Childhood and Social Institutions 1020; Economics 1020; First Nations Studies 1020E; Geography 1100, 1500F/G, 1400F/G; History 1401E, 1403E, 1801E; Management and Organizational Studies 1020A/B; Media, Information and Technoculture 1200F/G and 1700F/G; Philosophy 1300E, 1305F/G; Political Science 1020E; Psychology 1000; Religious Studies 1022A/B, 1023E, 1027E; or the former Religious Studies 021E; Social Work 1020; Sociology 1020, 1021E; or Women's Studies 1020E.
1.0 courses: Social Justice and Peace Studies 2200E.3.0 courses from the Approved List Level One, Two or Three.