Admission Requirements
Completion of first year requirements with 3.0 principal courses and no mark less than 60% in any principal course.
6.0 courses:
2.0 language courses from: 2.0 courses at successive levels in Chinese or Japanese, or 1.0 course in Chinese plus 1.0 in Japanese at any level.
3.0 courses, no more than 1.0 of which may be at the 2200 or 2300 level, from: Centre for Global Studies 2201A/B, 2202A/B, 2203A/B, 2310F/G, 2311F/G, 3401F/G-3406F/G, 3450F/G, 3460F/G.
1.0 course in Arts or Social Science numbered 2200 or above. The course(s) taken to meet this requirement must have East Asian content and receive prior approval from the Centre. The following courses are approved: Economics 3314A/B, History 2601E, 2603E, 2605E, 3601E, 4605E, Political Science 2280E.