Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 principal courses, with no mark in these principal courses below 60%. 1.0 course from Philosophy 030F/G, 031F/G, 032a/b, 033a/b, 020E, 021, 022E is recommended.
3.0 courses: Philosophy 200F/G, 201F/G, 210F/G, 211F/G, 212 or 234w/x (212 or 234w/x must be completed by the beginning of third year). 2.0 additional courses in Philosophy at the 200 level or above. 0.5 course: Philosophy 306F/G, 308F/G, 309F/G, 310F/G, 311F/G, 325F/G, 326F/G, Philosophy 352E, the former Philosophy 354E. 0.5 course from: Philosophy 302F/G, 303F/G, 304F/G, 305F/G, 362E. 0.5 course from: Philosophy 335F/G to 361F/G, Philosophy 385 F/G 2.5 additional courses in Philosophy at the 300 level or above