Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 principal courses, including 1.0 course from Geography 021, 022F/G, 023a/b, 024F/G, the former 020E, plus 2.0 additional courses, with no mark in these principal courses below 60%.
2.0 courses: Geography 201a/b, 237a/b, 242a/b, 280a/b 1.0 course from: Geography 220a/b, 235F/G, 249a/b, 270a/b, 277F/G 1.0 course from: Geography 208a/b, 213a/b, 214a/b, 216a/b 1.5 courses: Geography 301a/b, 343y, 448a/b 0.5 course* from: Geography 110a/b, 124a/b, 128a/b, 155a/b, 157a/b, 166a/b, 187a/b, 188a/b, 352a/b, the former 366a/b 3.0 courses in Geography at the 200 level or above, no more than 1.0 of which may be at the 200 level. (Students wishing to pursue Graduate Studies are encouraged to take Geography 490E.)
*Geography 146E may be substituted for this 0.5 course. This will make the module 9.5 courses. This module may be combined in a four year honors degree with the following Geography modules: Minor in Physical Geography Minor in Society, Space and Change Minor in Geographic Information Science Minor in Watershed Processes and Management
Students planning to combine this module with one of the listed minors are advised to plan their 200-level course selection carefully in order to minimize overlapping courses between modules. For special rules regarding replacement of overlapping courses see the calendar description of the relevant Minor.