Second Degree (Excluding Professional Degrees)
1. Honors Bachelor Degree:
Students may upgrade to an Honors Bachelor degree in one of two ways: They may upgrade their Minor, Major or Specialization module(s) in a Bachelor degree (Three or Four-Year) to an Honors Specialization module in an Honors Bachelor degree or they may upgrade their Minor or Major module(s) in a Bachelor degree (Three or Four-Year) to Double Major modules in an Honors Bachelor degree.
They may pursue a new Honors Specialization module in a different subject or Double Major modules in different subjects than those of the previous degree.
All students must complete all outstanding degree requirements in addition to the requirements of the Honors Specialization or Double Major modules chosen. The following regulations apply to previous University of Western Ontario graduates and graduates of other accredited Universities: a) Graduates of the University of Western Ontario:
Students who have completed either a Bachelor degree (Three-Year) or a Bachelor degree (Four-Year) at The University of Western Ontario may either upgrade to an Honors Bachelor degree or complete the requirements for a different Honors Bachelor degree at the discretion of the department and Faculty concerned. Students must consult the appropriate department(s) or Faculty for assessment of their transcript. They will be considered for a specific Honors Specialization module or Double Major modules in an Honors Bachelor degree if they have met all admission requirements. Meeting minimum admission requirements does not guarantee entrance to an Honors Bachelor degree. The department(s) or Faculty will take into account courses from the first degree and prescribe the courses to be completed. At least 5.0 senior courses must be taken and successfully completed at The University of Western Ontario. Some departments may require more than this number. In addition, the majority of the courses for the Honors Specialization module or for each of the Major modules must be completed through The University of Western Ontario.
b) Graduates of other accredited Universities:
Students who have completed the equivalent of a Bachelor Degree (Three-Year or Four-Year) at another accredited University must apply for admission to The University of Western Ontario as a Special Student and then, follow the procedure outlined in part "a" above to request a second degree (Honors Bachelor). Students may either upgrade to an Honors Bachelor degree or complete the requirements for a different Honors Bachelor degree at the discretion of the department(s) and Faculty concerned. Graduates of other accredited Universities must also meet The University of Western Ontario residency requirements by taking and successfully completing a minimum of 10.0 senior courses at The University of Western Ontario with honors standards. The majority of the courses for the Honors Specialization module or for each of the Major modules must be completed through The University of Western Ontario.
Students applying to upgrade their previous degree conferred under the "old" University of Western Ontario regulations should consult their Faculty regarding permissible upgrades. Students whose previous degree is a professional degree (BA Honors Business Administration, BESc, BFA, BMus, BMusA, BA(HEc), BSc(HEc), BSW(Hons), DDS, LLB, MD, MDiv, MTS)should consult the "Sequential Degree" section for information.
Bachelor Degree (Four-Year)
Students may upgrade to a Bachelor Degree (Four-Year) in one of two ways: They may upgrade their Major or Minor module(s) in a Bachelor degree (Three-Year) to a Specialization module or Double Major modules.
They may upgrade to a Bachelor degree (Four-Year) by taking a different Major module, Double Major modules or Specialization module.
All students must complete all outstanding degree requirements for the Bachelor degree (Four-Year) in addition to meeting the specific requirements of the module(s). The following regulations apply to previous University of Western Ontario graduates and graduates of other accredited Universities: a) Graduates of The University of Western Ontario: Students who have completed either a Bachelor degree (Three-Year) or a Bachelor degree (Four-Year) at The University of Western Ontario may apply to upgrade to a Bachelor degree (Four-Year) or complete the requirements for a different Bachelor Degree at the discretion of the department(s) and Faculty concerned. Students must consult the appropriate department(s) or Faculty for assessment of their transcript. At least 5.0 senior courses must be taken and successully completed at The University of Western Ontario. The majority of the courses for the new modules must be completed through the course offerings of The University of Western Ontario.
b) Graduates of other accredited Universities: Students who have completed the equivalent of a Bachelor degree (Three-Year) at another accredited University must apply for admission to The University of Western Ontario as a Special Student and then, follow the procedure outlined in part "a" above to request a second Bachelor degree (Four-Year). These students must also meet The University of Western Ontario residency requirements by taking and successfully completing a minimum of 10.0 courses at The University of Western Ontario including all of the required courses for the module(s) chosen.
Students applying to upgrade their previous degree conferred under the "old" University of Western Ontario regulations should consult their Faculty regarding permissible upgrades. Students whose previous degree is a professional degree (BA Honors Business Administration, BESc, BFA, BMus, BMusA, BA(HEc), BSc(HEc), BSW(Hons), DDS, LLB, MD, MDiv, MTS) should consult the “Sequential Degree” section for information.