In accordance with an emphasis on progressive services for our students and residents, the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry acknowledges the need for individuals to have special arrangements made during their educational program for the purpose of Pregnancy/Parental Leave. The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry strongly supports and encourages its students and trainees to take a full year for their Pregnancy/Parental Leave. Students are advised to consult the Associate Dean, Admissions and Student Affairs (H121; 661-2111 ext 86803) and explore the best possible arrangement for the intended leave. Details with respect to Pregnancy/Parental Leave for the Undergraduate Medical Program are as follows: - During Years 1 and 2: Students who take a one-year pregnancy/parental leave will be able to resume their program of study 12 months following the start of their leave.
- During Years 3 and 4: As it is for students in years 1 and 2, students who take a one-year pregnancy/parental leave will be able to resume their program of study 12 months following the start of their leave. Alternatively, however, year 3 and 4 students who do not wish to delay their original date of graduation may consider taking a four-week pregnancy/parental leave. Arrangements can be made for students to make up for clinical duties missed during the four-week pregnancy/parental leave.