Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 course from Geography 021, 022F/G, 023a/b, 024F/G, the former 020E with a mark of at least 60% in each Geography course.
2.5 courses: Geography 214a/b, 235F/G, 314a/b, 316a/b, 355F/G 1.5 courses from: Geography 213a/b, 313a/b, 315a/b, 317a/b, 321a/b, 380a/b, or relevant selected topics courses (see Department for approved list) 0.5 course: Geography 201a/b or an equivalent statistics course approved by the Department.
Within certain degrees, this module may be combined with the Geography modules listed below. (Please see the "Approved Module Combinations for Degrees" chart under "Degree Structure".) BA Honors Specialization in Geography Major in Geography Minor in Physical Geography Minor in Society, Space and Change Minor in Geographic Information Science
Geography 201a/b may be counted toward both the Minor in Watershed Processes and Management and another permitted Geography module. No other overlap is permitted.