Major in Organizational and Human Resources
(Note: Restricted to students registered in Honors BMOS Double Major.)
MOS courses are equivalent to the former ACS courses with the same number.
1.0 course: Business Administration 257 0.5 course: MOS 242a/b 2.5 courses: MOS 180, 310a/b, 410a/b, 485F/G 1.5 courses from: MOS 240a/b, 280F/G, 341F/G, 342a/b, 343a/b, 344F/G, 352F/G, 383a/b 0.5 course from: MOS 320a/b, 330a/b 1.0 course from: Anthropology 201F/G, 203F/G, 204F/G, 304F/G; MOS 355F/G, 356F/G; Political Science 211E, 236E, 246E; Sociology 308F/G, 309F/G, 314F/G, 315F/G, 316F/G, 350F/G