Admission Requirements
2.0 courses: Anthropology 247a/b, 248a/b, 335F/G, 337F/G 2.0 courses from: Anthropology 237a/b, 243F/G, 249F/G, French 295, 397a/b, 398a/b, 476a/b, 477a/b, 478a/b, 479a/b, Linguistics 244a/b, 287F/G, Spanish 303a, 406F/G, 407F/G 2.0 additional courses in Linguistics which have not already been taken from the above list or from the "List of Approved Courses in Linguistics" below:
Note: Some courses are offered only in alternate years. Students are advised to consult one of the Co-Directors of the Inter-Faculty Program in Linguistics when planning their module. Approved Courses in Linguistics Anthropology 245F/G, 411F/G, 412F/G, English 211, 212, French 432a/b, 498F/G, Philosophy 222a/b, 225F/G, 322a/b, 323b, 451, 455E, Political Science 411F, 412G, Psychology 234a/b, Russian 498a, 499b, Spanish 401