Full-time students who withdraw from the University prior to the start of the session will be assessed a cancellation fee of $250.00*. Also see WITHDRAWALS AND REFUNDS below. Part-time students who withdraw from their courses prior to the start of the session will be assessed a cancellation fee of $50.00 per full course* and/or $25.00 per half course*. Also see WITHDRAWALS AND REFUNDS below. Note: It is very important that constituent students advise the Registrar's Office (Academic Records) in writing, as soon as possible, if they are cancelling their registration. Failure to do so promptly will result in additional charges based on the current refund schedule1. Affiliated College students should advise their Registrar. *The $75.00 Distance Studies fee may be assessed even if the student withdraws from the course, depending on the date of withdrawal. 1 Details and specific tables can be found on our website: www.registrar.uwo.ca.