Note: For the purpose of progression and graduation, ALL Honors Economics courses taken shall be counted as principal courses of the respective years. The Department of Economics considers subsidiary courses as those taken outside of the Department.
Admission Requirements - For students entering in Second Year
Second Year
Principal Courses
- Economics 220a/b, 221a/b, 222a/b, 223a/b, 260a/b, 261a/b.
Third Year
Principal Courses
- Economics 210a/b, 320a/b, 382a/b.
- Two half-courses from Economics 288F/G, 289F/G, 311F/G, 324F/G, 325F/G, 326F/G, 327F/G, 376F/G, 377F/G, 384F/G, 385F/G .
- See point b) under "Fourth Year".
Subsidiary Courses
Fourth Year
Principal Courses
- Economics 400E.
- Five additional half-courses in Economics at the 300-level or above to be taken over third and fourth years. (Students planning to do graduate work in Economics are advised to consult the Director of the Honors Economics program before selecting these courses.)
Subsidiary Courses
Enough options to make a total of five courses Note: A total of nine principal full-course equivalents must be taken in second, third, and fourth years.
Admission Requirements - For students entering in Third Year
Third Year
Principal Courses
- Economics 320a/b, 382a/b.
- Economics 210a/b.
- Two half-courses from Economics 288F/G, 289F/G, 311F/G, 324F/G, 325F/G, 326F/G, 327F/G, 376F/G, 377F/G, 384F/G, 385F/G.
- See point b) under "Fourth Year".
Subsidiary Courses
Fourth Year
Principal Courses
- Economics 400E.
- Five additional half-courses in Economics at the 300-level or above to be taken over third and fourth years. (Students planning to do graduate work in Economics are advised to consult the Director of the Honors Economics program before selecting these courses.)
Subsidiary Courses
Enough options to make a total of five courses Note: A total of nine principal full-course equivalents must be taken in second, third and fourth years.
Admission Requirements -- For students entering with a 3-Year Bachelor of Arts
Students who completed the part a) courses below prior to September 1, 2002 may be allowed to use the old Diploma in Honors Standing entrance requirements but will be required to meet the new graduation requirements after admission to the new program. Students currently enrolled in the old Diploma in Honors Standing program will be allowed to graduate under the old rules. Students should consult the Department. Students who have completed a degree from another university will be required to complete at least 10 full courses or equivalent from Western. Students should consult the Department. Three-Year BA with the following as principal courses: - Economics 122a/b, 123a/b, 141a/b, 150a/b, 151a/b, 152a/b, 153a/b.
- Two half-courses from Economics 116a/b, 117a/b, 124a/b, 125a/b, 126F/G, 127F/G, 128a/b, 196a/b, 197a/b.
- One half-course from Economics 155a/b, 156a/b, 157F/G, 159a/b, 160a/b, 161F/G, 163a/b, 164a/b, 165F/G, 169F/G, 171F/G, 172a/b, 176F/G, 182F/G, 184a/b.
- Each course specified in a) must be completed with a mark of at least 70% and an average in all 7 half-courses of 75%
- Each course specified in b) and c) must be completed with a mark of at least 60%.
- The courses specified in a), b) and c) must be completed with an overall average of at least 70%.
Fourth Year
Principal Courses
- Economics 320a/b, 382a/b, 400E.
- Four additional half-courses in Economics at the 300-level or above. (Students planning to do graduate work in Economics are advised to consult the Director of the Honors Economics program before selecting these courses.)
- Two additional honors half-courses in any Department.
Note: A total of nine Honors Economics full-course equivalents or their general program equivalents must be taken. Each honors-level economics half-course must be completed with a minimum mark of 60% and an average of 70%. The two additional half-courses in point 3 above must be completed with a minimum mark of 60%, but will not be calculated into the overall average.