A mark of 60% or higher in Economics 020 and credit in at least ten senior half-courses as follows: Economics 150a/b and 152a/b† Two of: Economics 122a/b, 123a/b, 138F/G, 139F/G, 151a/b, 153a/b† Six additional senior half-courses in Economics not including Economics 180a. Students doing a Double Area of Concentration may substitute for two of these six senior Economics half-courses for a senior non-Economics course from an approved list available in the Department of Economics or in the affiliated colleges.
*Students failing to meet the 60% or higher requirement in Economics 020 may declare an area of concentration in Economics if they achieve 60% or higher in each of Economics 150a/b and 152a/b. †It is strongly recommended that students complete these courses in second year.