The University will not treat lightly any incident of academic dishonesty and students should expect significant consequences for their actions. A serious incident or repeated offences may result in suspension or expulsion from the University. A student guilty of a scholastic offence may be subject to the imposition of one or more penalties, of which those listed below are examples: - Reprimand.
- Requirement that the student repeat and resubmit the assignment.
- A failing grade in the assignment.
- A failing grade in the course in which the offence was committed.
- Prohibition of further registration in a course or courses in the department or Faculty in which the offence occurred.
- Failure of the year (applies in certain professional programs).
- Suspension from the University for up to, but not more than, three academic years or for a portion of one academic year including the academic session in which the student is currently registered.
- Expulsion from the University.
In determining what penalties are warranted in a given case, previous offences within the Faculty, the gravity of the offence, and the need to ensure consistency in standards of discipline across a Faculty will be relevant considerations for a Dean. A Home Dean also will take into account an existing Offence Record. - A notation of the scholastic offence (e.g., "Scholastic Offence recorded in...") may be placed on a student's internal, electronic record for the penalties d), e) and f) at the discretion of the Dean of the Faculty imposing the penalty. Upon successful completion of the student’s program, the student may request that the notation be removed. The Dean, after consulting with the relevant Chair in the case of a departmentalized Faculty, will decide whether to grant the request. Permanent notations on the official transcript are recorded for penalties g) and h).
- Penalties imposed at the level of the department may range from a reprimand to a failing grade for the course in which the offence was committed.
- Penalties f), g) and h) are program decisions that can be imposed only by the Dean of the Home Faculty.
- Appeals against the imposition of any penalty will be dealt with in accordance with regulations governing appeals. (See STUDENT ACADEMIC APPEALS and SCHOLASTIC OFFENCES.)
- Students who have been suspended by the University as a result of a scholastic offence must apply for readmission subject to the same conditions that operate for students applying for "Readmission Following Unsatisfactory Performance".