Admission Requirements
Completion of a first-year program including:
2.5 courses: Biochemistry 280a, Biology 281b, 282b, 286a, 290F/G 0.5 course from: Biology 244a/b, Statistical Sciences 222a/b (students may substitute Statistical Sciences 135 or Psychology 281 for this 0.5 course and this would make the module 6.5 courses) 0.5 course: Biology 396a/b 1.5 courses from: Biology 366b, 392a, 393b, 394a, 395a, 397b (including at least 0.5 course from Biology 394a, 395a or 397b) 1.0 course from: Biology 440G, 450F/G, 451F/G, 460b, 461F, 462b, Microbiology and Immunology 467b