A student who, for medical or compassionate reasons, is unable to complete his/her term work prior to the last day of classes and who wishes an extension in order to complete it, shall submit a written request to the Dean of the Faculty in which the student is registered. The request shall include the following information: - the type and extent of the work to be completed;
- the date on which it is due;
- the name of the faculty member who will receive and grade it.
Before making a decision, the Dean will consult with the instructor and Department Chair. If incomplete standing is granted, the Dean shall inform the student, the instructor, and the Department Chair of the date by which a final grade must be forwarded to the Registrar. Failure of the student to meet the extended assignment deadline shall result in a grade of zero (0) for the assignment unless the Dean authorizes a further extension for medical or compassionate reasons. The authorization of the Chair of the Department or Departmental Faculty of Graduate Studies Committee shall be sufficient for granting incomplete standing for graduate students. When a grade of Special (SPC) or Incomplete (INC) appears on a student's record, the notation will be removed and replaced by a substantive grade as soon as the grade is available.