Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 principal courses, including Biology 022 or 023, Chemistry 020 or 023, plus 1.0 additional course, with no mark in these principal courses below 60% Physics 028a/b, or 020, or 024, or the former Physics 022 or 025 1.0 course from: Calculus 050a/b, 051a/b, 081a/b, 091a/b, Mathematics 028a/b, 030, Linear Algebra 040a/b, Statistical Sciences 024a/b. If not completed in first year, the Mathematics requirement must be completed by the end of second year.
3.0 courses: Biochemistry 280a, Biology 281b, 282b, 283a, 286a, 290F/G 0.5 course: Chemistry 213a/b 0.5 course from: Biology 260a, 272b 0.5 course from: Biology 244a/b, Statistical Sciences 222a/b. Students may substitute Statistical Sciences 135 or Psychology 281 for this 0.5 course. 4.5 courses at the 200 level or above, chosen from the Biology and Medical Science Departments, of which at least 3.5 courses must be chosen from the Department of Biology. A maximum of 1.0 course may be at the 200 level and at least 1.5 of these courses must have a laboratory component. Course selections may include courses listed above but not already taken. 1.0 course from: Biology 407G, 408G, 410F/G, 411F/G, 423F/G, 434b, 436G, 438G, 440G, 441F, 443G, 450F/G, 451F/G, 457Z, 458Z, 459F, 461F, 491E.