Director: C. Agocs, Tel: (519) 661-3657 The purpose of the Diploma is to provide an opportunity for specialized training in public administration. The main focus is on the local or municipal level of government. The diploma is designed for persons already working in local government who wish to develop their public management perspectives and skills. The program is offered only during Intersession (May-June).
Admission Requirements
Offers of admission will be based on an assessment of each candidate's potential, as indicated by academic qualifications, practical experience and references. Diploma students are usually expected to have ten years' experience in local government.
Progression Requirement
A student must maintain at least a 70% average and obtain a mark of not less than 60% in each course to remain in the program.
Graduation Requirement
To qualify for the Diploma in Public Administration a student must complete the prescribed program of studies with at least a 70% average and a mark of not less than 60% in each course.