Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness and Lifestyle Assessment (CPAFLA) C.F.C. Certification Course This course is developed by the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology (CSEP) and distributed by the Ontario Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (OASES). A CSEP-qualified Certified Fitness Consultant (CFC) is qualified to conduct the updated Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness and Lifestyle Assessment protocols and counsel clients based on the results. CFC certification is generally recognized as the minimum requirement to conduct fitness appraisals in health clubs and community centres. It is suggested that Kinesiology students complete Kinesiology 337a/b prior to taking the CFC certification course. This certification course is available through the School of Kinesiology offered as an "extramural" workshop, to supplement the materials that are part of Kinesiology 337a/b, to provide the laboratory practice, and to conduct the "certification" exam and practical appraisal. For information contact gbelfry@uwo.ca or phone 661-2111, ext. 88364. (CSEP: www.csep.ca; ACSM: www.acsm.org; OASES: www.oases.on.ca; CCAA: www.uwo.ca/actage)