Academic Calendar 2006 (old) » AFFILIATED UNIVERSITY COLLEGES » KING'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE » ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMMERCIAL STUDIES » Area of Concentration: Global Commercial Enterprise
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Area of Concentration: Global Commercial Enterprise

First Year
Second Year
Third Year

    Administrative and Commercial Studies 220F/G or equivalent, Administrative and Commercial Studies 325a/b

    Administrative and Commercial Studies 372

    One full-course or equivalent option *

Fourth Year

* The BACS must include at least 2 full credits in essay designated courses, one full-course in the Faculty of Arts, and no more than seven courses numbered 001-099. Students may interchange some of their third and fourth year program requirements provided that all prerequisite restrictions are satisfied.

Academic Calendar 2006 (old) » AFFILIATED UNIVERSITY COLLEGES » KING'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE » ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMMERCIAL STUDIES » Area of Concentration: Global Commercial Enterprise