Admission to all Faculty of Education programs is competitive; fulfillment of minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.
Admission is based primarily on relevant course work (undergraduate and graduate) and on academic standing (undergraduate only). Experiential qualifications and CASPer (Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) scores are considered in the final phase of the selection process.
Applicants with 4-year degrees (or the equivalent in course work) receive preference in the admissions process. A 4-year degree provides for increased flexibility in program and future career choices.
Upon successful completion of the B.Ed. program, graduates are recommended to the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) for certification.
CASPer requirements (for admission September 2021 and beyond):
All B.Ed. applicants will be required to complete CASPer (Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics). CASPer is a 90-minute online computer-based assessment designed to evaluate non-cognitive skills, and interpersonal and professional characteristics essential for success in the B.Ed. program and as practicing teachers.
Applicants who do not complete the CASPer test will not be considered for admission. Test results are valid for one admissions cycle.
Aboriginal Access Program
Aboriginal candidates who meet the minimum admission requirements will be given special consideration in the application process. In accordance with the Constitution Act, 1982, an Aboriginal candidate is an Indian, Inuit or Métis person of Canada. Applicants who wish to be considered through the Aboriginal Access program must provide proof of native status (such as a copy of status card or letter from the band). Aboriginal Access applicants are invited to contact the Teacher Education Office at the Faculty of Education for further information.
English Language Proficiency
For admission to the Faculty of Education, all applicants must:
a) speak English as a first language;
b) provide documentation confirming at least three years of full-time study (or the equivalent in part-time study) in an accredited university or college where the language of instruction and of examination was English and which was located in a country where the first language is English;
c) provide an official statement of results on one of the tests of English language proficiency listed below; the statement is required before an offer of admission can be made, and must indicate at least the following levels of proficiency:
i) Test of Oral Proficiency (TOP) with a minimum score of 46 and Test of Written Proficiency (TWE) with a minimum score of 46; OR
ii) TOEFL with a score of 250 computer-based including a minimum score of 55 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE); 103 internet-based including a speaking score of 28 and a writing score of 28; OR
iii) MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery) with a minimum score of 90 and at least 4 on the oral interview; OR
iv) IELTS (International English Language Testing System) with a minimum score of 7 including at least 6.5 in reading and speaking and at least 7 in writing and speaking.
Candidates who, after admission, show an inadequate command of spoken or written English will be required to improve their proficiency to the Faculty's satisfaction. Candidates may be asked to withdraw from the program if their inadequate command of English interferes with their ability to communicate effectively in the classroom or during the practicum.
Police Record Check
Neither Western University nor the Faculty of Education requires a Police Record Check as a condition of admission. However, a Police Record Check which includes Vulnerable Position Screening and is acceptable to the school boards with which we place Teacher Candidates is required before you can be placed in a school for a practicum. If information appears on your police record check that is unacceptable to school boards, you will not be able to be placed for a practicum and will be required to withdraw from the program.
All the following conditions must be met when an application is submitted to the Faculty of Education:
• You must be on track to complete your program of study from an acceptable undergraduate degree program at an accredited university by August 31st in the year in which you wish to register in the Faculty of Education. The degree must be conferred no later than the Fall of that year.
• You must have successfully completed the equivalent of 10 full university credits at the time of application. Transfer credits from community colleges or CEGEP courses cannot be considered. Preference is given to applicants who have attained four-year degrees with the equivalent of 20 full credits.
• You must have a minimum average of 70% in your best 10 full undergraduate credits, or the equivalent. As well, if you are applying to a Junior/Intermediate or Intermediate/Senior program, you must have a minimum average of 70% in those credits which support your teaching subjects. Courses taken after August in the year of registration can be counted in support of program requirements, but cannot be included in the calculation of the overall and teaching subject averages. List these and other credits which will be completed to meet final degree requirements in the TEAS application form.
By mid-September each year a common application form is available for all faculties of education in Ontario from The Teacher Education Application Service, Ontario Universities' Application Centre. (See Application Procedures).
Candidates with acceptable standing at accredited degree-granting institutions may be considered for admission provided that the content of studies completed is equivalent in content to the courses offered by Western, and to the requirements of the program to which the student has applied. The university will review other candidates on an individual basis. Admission in all cases is competitive.
Minimum qualifications for admission to the following B.Ed. programs are summarized below.
Applicants who have completed at least one- half undergraduate or graduate credit in four or more of the following areas receive preference in the admissions process: English*, Fine Arts**, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science/Humanities (Canadian History/Geography preferred). Applicants must have an acceptable baccalaureate degree with an overall "B" average (70%).
*English: Courses in English culture; linguistics, writing for business and scientists, and academic and university essay writing courses are not acceptable as background courses.
**Fine Arts includes dance, drama, music, and visual arts.
Applicants to the Junior/Intermediate program must select one teaching subject area: Music (Vocal or Instrumental), or Religious Studies for Catholic Schools, or French.
French: See next section
Music (Vocal): Credits should include at least one choral or vocal techniques course, one choral conducting course, and one music theory course
Music (Instrumental): Credits used to support this teaching subject should include at least one instrumental conducting course, several minor instrument courses in woodwinds, brass and percussion, and one music theory course.
Religious Education: Applicants with course credits in the following areas receive preference for admission to Religious Education: Old and New Testament studies, Catholic Church teachings in morality and social justice, sacraments, sexuality and marriage in the Catholic tradition, and Vatican II theology. Religious Education is offered as a teaching subject only for Roman Catholic schools; practicum in this subject area will occur only in Roman Catholic elementary schools.
For admission to French as either a first or second teaching subject, applicants must possess oral and written fluency in French and a thorough knowledge of grammar. Normally, five full French courses (or the equivalent), at least two of which should be language courses, are required. One or more full course equivalents in French literature is desirable for those hoping to teach in French-immersion settings. Fluent French speakers who do not have university-level French courses may apply for special consideration. The Faculty of Education reserves the right to test candidates to ensure they meet the required standard.
Applicants to the Intermediate/Senior program must select two teaching subjects from the following: Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English, Environmental Science, Family Studies, French, Geography, Health & Physical Education, History, Law, Mathematics, Music (Instrumental), Music (Vocal), Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Religious Education for Catholic Schools, Science (General), Social Studies (General). Not all teaching subject combinations are available every year. Consult the Faculty of Education website for further information.
Applicants who have completed the minimum requirements toward both teaching options at the time of application receive preference during the admissions process. Minimum admission requirements are:
a) an acceptable baccalaureate degree with an overall "B" average (70%);
b) five full undergraduate or graduate level courses with a minimum average of "B" (70%), or the equivalent, to support the first teaching option
c) three full undergraduate or graduate level courses with a minimum average of "B" (70%), or the equivalent, to support the second teaching option
Requirements and Exceptions:
English: Courses in English culture; linguistics, and writing for business and scientists; academic and university essay writing are not acceptable in support of English as a teaching subject.
Family Studies: Applicants with course credits in the following areas receive preference for admission to Family Studies as a first or second teaching subject: Child and Family Development, Housing and Interior Design, Clothing and Textiles, Foods and Nutrition, Family Resource Management (Consumer Economics).
French: For admission to French as either a first or second teaching subject, applicants must possess oral and written fluency in French and a thorough knowledge of grammar. Normally, five full French courses (or the equivalent), at least two of which should be language courses, are required. One or more full course equivalents in French literature is desirable for those hoping to teach in French-immersion settings. Fluent French speakers who do not have university-level French courses may apply for special consideration. The Faculty of Education reserves the right to test candidates to ensure they meet the required standard.
Geography: Applicants with course credits in Canadian Geography receive preference for admission to Geography as a first or second teaching subject.
Health & Physical Education: Applicants with three or more activity course credits receive preference for admission to HPE as a first or second teaching subject.
History: Applicants with course credits in Canadian History receive preference for admission to History as a first or second teaching subject.
Mathematics: Applicants with at least one full course credit in senior Mathematics receive preference for admission to Math as a first or second teaching subject.
Music: Candidates may select either Instrumental Music or Vocal Music as a teaching option, but not both.
Music (Instrumental): Credits used to support this teaching subject should include at least one instrumental conducting course, several minor instrument courses in woodwinds, brass and percussion, and one music theory course.
Music (Vocal): Credits used to support this teaching subject should include at least one choral or vocal techniques course, one choral conducting course, and one music theory course.
Religious Education: Applicants with course credits in the following areas receive preference for admission to Religious Education as a first or second teaching subject: Old and New Testament studies, Catholic Church teachings in morality and social justice, sacraments, sexuality and marriage in the Catholic tradition, and Vatican II theology. Religious Education is offered as a teaching subject only for Roman Catholic Schools; student teaching in this subject area will occur only in Roman Catholic Secondary Schools.
Science-General: Applicants with course credits in the following areas receive preference for admission to Science General as a first or second teaching subject: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Environmental Science, Physics.
Social Studies-General: A full credit in each of the following areas is preferred: Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology. This is an optional subject in the secondary school curriculum, and entry to this teaching subject is limited. Applicants are advised to select this as a second teaching subject only.
For admission to the Faculty of Education, students must complete the degree requirements for the Bachelor of Music in Music Education AND must meet all other requirements for the specific program to which they are applying. Those requirements are outlined above.
Guaranteed Admission to the Faculty of Education
Guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Education is offered for students in Vocal Music and Instrumental Music at the Junior/Intermediate (JI) level and for students in Vocal or Instrumental Music at the Intermediate/Senior (IS) level. (Students seeking admission to the Faculty of Education for the Primary/Junior level should follow the standard application process.) Guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Education requires a minimum cumulative weighted average of 75% in Music courses, a 70% average in courses applicable to the second teachable subject for those applying to the I/S program, and no mark below 60% in any course. Meeting these graduation requirements guarantees acceptance by the Faculty of Education at Western, with Music as a teachable subject in either the JI or IS program. Students who fall short of these requirements may still meet the requirements for the Bachelor of Music with Honours in Music Education and may apply to the Faculty of Education on that basis, although admission is not guaranteed.
Guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Education is offered to Department of French students interested in teaching at the Primary/Junior French (FPJ) level, Junior/Intermediate level with French as a teaching subject or at the Intermediate/Senior level with a first teaching subject in French.
Students interested in teaching at the Primary/Junior level should apply to the Faculty of Education through the regular process.
Application Requirements/Process:
Guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Education requires a minimum weighted average of 75% or above in French courses. Applicants to the Intermediate/Senior program must also have a 70% average in courses applicable to the second teaching subject. Applicants to the Primary/Junior French or Junior/Intermediate program must also have completed at least a half credit in at least four of the following areas: English, Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science/Humanities. Applicants must successfully complete EDUC 2200 Perspectives on Schooling.
Meeting the graduation requirements for Western’s French program, along with other Faculty of Education requirements noted above, will guarantee acceptance to the Faculty of Education at Western, with French as a teaching subject in the FPJ, J/I or I/S program. Students who fall short of these requirements but still meet basic requirements for admission may still apply to the Faculty of Education, although admission is not guaranteed.
Applicants will complete the French Faculty of Education Application Form during Year 2 or Year 3 reviewing carefully for specific requirements. Applicants must also apply using the TEAS application on the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) by the stated deadline
Guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Education is offered to School of Mathematical and Statistical Science students interested in teaching at the Intermediate/Senior level with a first teaching subject in Mathematics.
Applicants interested in teaching at the Primary/Junior or Junior/Intermediate level should apply to the Faculty of Education through the regular process.
Application Requirements/Process:
Guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Education requires an average of 70% in the Mathematics or Statistics courses, and the courses applicable to the second teaching subject. Applicants must successfully complete EDUC 2200 Perspectives on Schooling.
Meeting the graduation requirements for Western’s Math program, along with other Faculty of Education requirements as noted above, will guarantee acceptance into the Faculty of Education at Western, with Math as a teaching subject in the I/S program. Students who fall short of these requirements but still meet basic requirements for admission may still apply to the Faculty of Education, although admission is not guaranteed.
Applicants will complete the Math Application Form during Year 2 or Year 3 reviewing carefully for specific requirements. Applicants must also apply using the TEAS application on the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) by the stated deadline.
Guaranteed Admission of Graduates from Brescia University College, Honours Specialization, Specialization and Major in French Studies Programs
Guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Education is offered to Brescia University College students interested in teaching at the Junior/Intermediate level with French as a teaching subject or at the Intermediate/Senior with a first teaching subject in French.
Students interested in teaching at the Primary/Junior level should apply to the Faculty of Education through the regular process.
Application Requirements/Process:
Guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Education requires a minimum cumulative average of 75% or above in French courses. Applicants to the Intermediate/Senior program must also have a 70% average in courses applicable to the second teaching subject. Applicants to the Junior/Intermediate program must also have completed at least a half credit in at least four of the following areas: English, Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science/Humanities.
Meeting these requirements guarantees acceptance to the Faculty of Education at Western, with French as a teaching subject in either the J/I or I/S program. Students who fall short of these requirements but still meet basic requirements for admission may still apply to the Faculty of Education, although admission is not guaranteed.
Complete the Brescia Faculty of Education – Application form during Year 2 or Year 3. Please review the application form for specific requirements.
Students must also apply using the TEAS application on the Ontario Universities Application Centre by the stated deadline.
Guaranteed Admission of Graduates from King’s University College, Catholic Studies for Teachers Program
Guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Education is offered to Kings University College students interested in teaching at the Junior/Intermediate level with Religious Education as a teaching subject or at the Intermediate/Senior level with a first teaching subject in Religious Education.
Students interested in teaching at the Primary/Junior level should apply to the Faculty of Education through the regular process.
Application Requirements/Process:
Guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Education requires an average of 75% in the courses required for the BA (Honours) in Catholic Studies for Teachers, and the courses applicable to the second teaching subject for those applying to the I/S program, with no mark below 60% in any course. Applicants to the J/I program must also have successfully completed a half university credit or more in four, five or six of the following areas: English, Fine Arts, Health & Physical Education, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science/Humanities.
Meeting the graduation requirements for Kings’ BA (Honours) in Catholic Studies for Teachers program, along with other Faculty of Education requirements as noted above, will guarantee acceptance into the Faculty of Education at Western, with Religious Education as a teaching subject in either the J/I or I/S program. Students who fall short of these requirements but still meet basic requirements for admission may still apply to the Faculty of Education, although admission is not guaranteed.
Complete the Catholic Studies for Teachers Application form during Year 2 or Year 3. Please review the application form for specific requirements.
Students must also apply using the TEAS application on the Ontario Universities Application Centre by the stated deadline.
Senate Academic Policies:
Admission - Education
Guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Education is offered to a maximum of 20 qualified varsity athletes for admission into the Bachelor of Education Program. Qualifications for entry to the Bachelor of Education will be assessed individually for each applicant based on their Undergraduate degree at Western.
Application Requirements/Process:
Applicants must complete their program of study by August 31 of the year in which they plan to begin the B.Ed. program. Degrees must be conferred no later than the Fall of year one of the B.Ed. program. Applicants must have successfully completed the equivalent of 10 full university courses at the time of application. Transfer credits from community colleges and CEGEP will not be accepted.
Applicants must have a minimum average of 75% in their best 10 full undergraduate and graduate courses (or the equivalent). For applicants to the Intermediate/Senior or Junior/Intermediate stream, applicants need a minimum average of 70% in their best five full undergraduate courses that are in their primary teachable subject. Courses taken in the year of application cannot be included in the calculation of the overall average or the teachable subject average but will be counted in support of program requirements. Applicants to the Intermediate/Senior stream must also have completed the equivalent of at least 3 full courses, with a weighted average of 70%, to support a second teaching subject.
Applicants to the Primary/Junior stream must have completed at least one-half undergraduate or graduate credit in four or more of the following areas: English, Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Science, Social Science/Humanities (Canadian History/Geography preferred).
To be eligible for guaranteed admission, all varsity applicants must complete the CASPer assessment and achieve a minimum z-score of -1.5. Applicants must successfully complete EDUC 2200 Perspectives on Schooling. (This course may be in progress at the time of B.Ed. application, but must be completed before the B.Ed. begins)
Students must also apply using the TEAS application on the Ontario Universities Application Centre by the stated deadline.