Academic Calendar - 2024

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2024
return to: Admission


Admission Requirements

Please note that the admission policy is reviewed annually and the admission requirements from previous years may not apply. The University reserves the right to review and change the admission requirements at any time, without notice.

Admission Requirements
Admission to Dentistry is based on academic ability and non-academic ability, as evidenced by scholastic records, Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) results, CASPer test, Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement and presentation at interview. The presentation of the minimum requirements for admission will not assure guaranteed acceptance. Internationally-trained dentists are not eligible to apply or enter into the 4-year Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) Program.

For more detailed information on all of the below Admission Requirements, visit the DDS Admission webpage.

In order to be considered, candidates must have achieved at least 80% or higher in each of the two best undergraduate years with a full course load of 5.0 full or equivalent courses (30 credit hours) taken between September and April. Each of the two best years used for GPA consideration must also have at least 3.0 full course equivalents whose published level is at or above the year level of study. Past class statistics have indicated that most successful applicants have a mid to high 80s average over their two most competitive years. Consideration will be given to the most competitive two academic years, DAT scores and supplemental requirements. Overall academic performance (consistency, trend) and graduate education can also be used as selection criteria.

Consideration of the 2019-2020 Academic Year Affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic:

If you are presenting two undergraduate years for GPA consideration that do not include the 2019-2020 academic year affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, all of the following must be met:

Courses taken during the application cycle are NOT eligible for academic average consideration.

If you are presenting the 2019-2020 academic year affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as one of your academic years for GPA consideration, all of the following must be met:

For applicants who have completed an undergraduate degree and who are in the final year of (or who have recently completed) a subsequent undergraduate degree, grades earned during the previous degree(s) will not be considered. The most recent degree must be equivalent to a four-year degree. Courses taken during the application cycle are not considered towards GPA.

Applicants are ranked on a compiled score. For more information about the elements in ranking please refer to the Admissions webpage. The quality of the applicant pool in which one is considered for entry could raise the minimum academic competitive level, and will determine the minimum thresholds.

A limited number of positions are available for international students who maintain their international status at graduation. Up to 4 of these positions within the International pathway may be allocated to International applicants of Kuwait citizenship funded by the Kuwait Cultural Bureau.

To be eligible for the Kuwait Pathway, you must:

It is your responsibility to ensure that all relevant documentation is provided.

We reserve the right to verify elements of your application. Falsification or misrepresentation of information will result in removal of the application from consideration and may be considered in any future applications to the University.

Applicants through the Kuwait pathway must meet all other Admission requirements. Applying through this pathway does not automatically guarantee admission.

Please see the International Applicants webpage for further details.

Special consideration will be given to applicants self-identify as Indigenous. Two positions are set aside each year for competitive applicants with official documentation of indigenous status or ancestral Indigenous origin. For more information, please visit the Indigenous Applicants webpage.

Scholastic Records
To be eligible for admission to Dentistry, applicants must

be in the final year of, or have successfully completed, an undergraduate degree program leading to a four-year undergraduate degree at a recognized university. Applicants in this category are advised that the following courses are mandatory: at least 0.5 course in organic chemistry and at least 0.5 course in biochemistry, and 1.0 course in human or mammalian physiology. Successful completion of prerequisite courses for Dentistry Admissions requires a pass or credit designation for applicants studying at a Canadian university. Western will convert grades and averages for applicants who are not studying in a Canadian university based on grading practices and grading scale interpretation of institutions attended.


be in the final year of, or have successfully completed, a graduate degree program at a recognized university. Graduate degree candidates must complete all requirements for their graduate degree (including a successful thesis defense, if applicable) by June 30th of the year of entry. It will be the students' responsibility to assure confirmation by their Faculty of Graduate Studies no later than June 30th that all requirements for the degree have been met. No deferred admission will be granted. Applicants in this category are advised that the following courses are mandatory: at least 0.5 course in organic chemistry, at least 0.5 course in biochemistry, and 1.0 course in human or mammalian physiology. Successful completion of prerequisite courses for Dentistry Admissions requires pass or credit designation for applicants studying at a Canadian university. Western will convert grades and averages for applicants who are not studying in a Canadian university based on grading practices and grading scale interpretation of institutions attended.

Dental Aptitude Test Results
The Canadian Dental Aptitude Test (DAT), administered by the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) or the American Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) administered by the American Dental Associate (ADA), taken within two years prior to the November 1 application deadline is a requirement for admission. Results of the ADA DAT will be treated as equivalent to the results of the CDA DAT. The CDA DAT is conducted on two occasions each academic year: February and November. The ADA DAT is conducted throughout the year. Scores must come directly from the CDA or ADA to Schulich Dentistry to be considered valid. Schulich Dentistry utilizes the results of the last test written in the eligible time period.

Please note: only Dental Aptitude Tests incorporating the reading comprehension section fulfill Schulich Dentistry admissions requirements. All components of the DAT may be considered in the selection process, with the exception of the Manual Dexterity Test. For further information on the DAT and its use in the admission process at Schulich Dentistry, please see the Admissions website.

Specific information and registration materials concerning the Canadian DAT are available on-line on the Canadian Dental Association website. Specific information and application forms for the American DAT are available online on the American Dental Association’s website.

Other Elements of Application

CASPer Test Results
CASPer tests are taken online and booked in advance on the CASPer website. The test typically takes 75-90 minutes to complete. Schulich Dentistry does not require applicants to complete Snapshot. Applicants must request original scores be sent directly to the Admissions Office from CASPer by the application

CASPer test results are valid for one application cycle only.

Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement

Students are required to submit an Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement to identify and expand on academic and non-academic strengths, achievements, significant successes and disadvantages.

Selected applicants will be invited to attend a personal interview in order to be considered for admission. Interview invitations are based on undergraduate academic performance, DAT score, CASPer test results, and non-scholastic achievements. Applicants will be interviewed by a panel of three, consisting of a dentist, a senior dental student, and a community member.

English Language Proficiency
All students must satisfy Western's requirements for proficiency in English. Students whose mother tongue (first language) is not English may be required to write the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and the Test of Written English (TWE), or equivalent. Additional information on this can be found on the International Applicants webpage.

Statement of Potential Health Risks and Immunization Requirements
Students in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry will be required to care for persons with infectious diseases (including Hepatitis B and HIV) should they be assigned to them. Students accepted into the dentistry program will be sent complete documentation regarding health policies and immunization requirements. Documentation of immunization and tuberculin status will be required.

Police Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening
All dental students will interact with vulnerable populations through the course of their academic programs. In recognition of the requirements of clinical agencies to ensure that dental students do not place vulnerable populations at risk, the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry requires that all students provide, as a condition of their admission into the DDS and ITD programs, a current Police Records Check including a Vulnerable Sector (Position) Screening.

Dental Clinician Scientist Program
Deferred Admission to the undergraduate dental program may be offered to candidates who are accepted to a dentally-oriented graduate program leading to a PhD degree, at the commencement of that graduate program, following a determination of acceptability by the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and Schulich Dentistry. For more information, please visit the Dental Clinician Scientist Program or contact the Admissions Coordinator at 519-661-3744.

Policy on Admission to Second Year
These regulations apply to students currently enrolled in approved undergraduate dental programs.

1. Admission beyond the second dental year is not permitted and admission to second dental year will be considered only if a vacancy exists for that year.
2. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
3. All students applying for admission to Dentistry whose mother tongue (first language) is not the English language will be required to prove their understanding of the English language. See "Proof of English Proficiency" in the Admission Requirements section.
4. Applicants to second dental year are not required to take the Dental Aptitude Test administered by the Canadian Dental Association.
5. Applicants who have been required to withdraw by a dental school for academic or other reasons will usually be ineligible for admission to second year.
6. Applicants to second year must satisfy the general admission requirements of Western and/or the transfer regulations adopted by Senate.
7. Applicants may be required to be present for an interview and/or submit letters of reference.
8. Graduates of non-accredited dental programs should consider taking the Internationally Trained Dentists Program.


Application for Admission

Application to First Year Dentistry
Application for admission to first year must be made by completing the official on-line application form available in early October on the admissions page of the school website. The application deadline is November 1 for entry the following September.

For further information, please contact the Admissions Coordinator by phone: 519-661-3744, by fax: 519-850-2360, or by email:

Original supporting documents must be received no later than November 1. Academic documents not ordered through the on-line application form should be mailed to: Office of the Registrar, Professional Admissions - Dentistry, Room 3140, Western Student Services Building, Western University, London, Ontario N6A 5B8.

All applicants must:

Academic Documentation
Official transcripts from EACH university, college or other post-secondary institution applicants have attended are required by the November 1 deadline. For those applicants currently enrolled in undergraduate studies, an official final transcript indicating degree conferred must be sent directly to Professional Admissions – Dentistry by June 30 of the year of entry.

Western students are not required to submit transcripts of their academic record at Western. However, we require official transcripts of all other post-secondary institutions attended. If applying from an Ontario University, students must request all transcripts through the Transcript Request section provided in the online application process. For those applicants who are not applying from an Ontario University, please request that all transcripts, in support of your application, be sent directly to Professional Admissions – Dentistry.

Graduate degree candidates must complete all requirements for their graduate degree (including a successful thesis defense, if applicable) by June 30th. No extension of this deadline or deferral of admission will be granted.

Applicants are responsible for ensuring that transcripts are forwarded by the applicable Registrar(s) in time to meet the deadline date, and to notify Western’s Professional Admissions office of any subsequent mark revisions on the transcript (this includes Western students).

If reapplying, please note that documents are not retained from year to year. Consequently, all required admissions documents will need to be resubmitted with each application.

Additional Documentation (if applicable)

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the necessary transcripts or reports have been received by the Registrar's Office no later than the November 1 application deadline.

Application to Second Year
Application for admission to second year (advanced standing) must be made by completing the official application form accessible from the Second Year Transfer page of the admissions page of the Schulich Dentistry Admissions website.

The application deadline for transfer into the program at the second year level is July 1 for entry in September of the same year.

Admission via transfer into the second year at Schulich Dentistry can be considered only if a vacancy exists for that year (spaces sometimes become available due to attrition). Admission beyond the second year of the DDS program is not permitted.

All transfer applicants must submit the following to the Dentistry Admissions office:

For further information, please contact the Admissions Coordinator by phone: 519-661-3744, by fax: 519-850-2360, or by email:

Admissions Appeal Procedure

A first year applicant may request a review of the decision of the Admissions Committee, provided that such a request is based upon significant new information relating to the academic record and not previously available to the Admissions Committee. This request must be filed with the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Admissions Office, no later than two weeks after the issuance of the original decision. A committee comprising of the Associate Dean, Admissions, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry; Director, Dentistry, and the Chair of Dentistry Admissions Committee will adjudicate the appeal and the decision of this committee will be final. No appeal mechanism exists for applicants to second year.

Advanced Standing Program For International Dental Graduates (ASPIDG)

Admission Requirements

Please note that the admission policy is reviewed annually and the admission requirements from previous years may not apply. The University reserves the right to review and change the admission requirements at any time, without notice.

Application to the Advanced Standing Program for International Dental Graduates (ASPIDG) is considered to be an application to the Schulich Dentistry Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Course. An application must be made by completing and submitting the online Application Form available on the ASPIDG website. The non-refundable administrative fee and supporting documents must be received by the ASPIDG Office by the application deadline date.

All requests for information concerning the program should be directed to the Advanced Standing Program Administrative Co-Coordinator at the School of Dentistry. For more information, see the ASPIDG website.

Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for admission to the Advanced Standing Program for International Dental Graduates (ASPIDG), candidates must:

(a) Have graduated from a minimum four-year University dental program which is not recognized by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC).
(b) Have obtained a World Education Services (WES) Course-by-Course credential evaluation of their dental degree.
(c) Have Permanent Resident Status or Canadian Citizenship at the time of application.
(d) Have completed the National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB) Assessment of Fundamental Knowledge (AFK) within the last five (5) years. See the ASPIDG website for details.
Effective the June to August 2025 application cycle, applicants will be required to take the Advanced Dental Admission Test (ADAT) in place of the AFK.
(e) Have taken the TOEFL or IELTS English proficiency test within the last two years. See the English Language Proficiency section below.
(f) Have proof of name change if submitting documents in a name other than is shown on the application form.
(g) Submit a completed online application form and send in all supporting documents as indicated on the ASPIDG website, including the administrative fee, postmarked no later than the posted deadline date.
(4) Have successfully completed the PLA Course offered by the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Continuing Dental Education (CDE) Office, within the last two (2) years. See the ASPIDG website for more details

English Language Proficiency
Proof of English proficiency can be achieved in one of the following ways:

1. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). See the ASPIDG website for minimum required scores.


2. The International English Language Testing Service (IELTS). See the ASPIDG website for minimum required scores.


3. Successful completion of four (4) years of full-time Canadian high school education in English. (Notarized transcripts must be submitted.)

It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit proof of English proficiency, as stated above, to the Advanced Standing Program Office.


The admission process also involves the completion of a one-day Schulich Dentistry Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) exam. The simulated clinical exam is held in the Schulich Dentistry Simulation Clinic. Interviews are held following the PLA Exam for the highest-ranked applicants. The purpose of the exam is to ensure that applicants are at the same knowledge level and skill as the DDS students entering their second year of the DDS Program.

1. Applicants who have been required to withdraw by a dental school for academic or other reasons will normally be ineligible for admission to the ASPIDG.

2. Candidates accepted into the ASPIDG and intending to register are required to submit a non-refundable deposit.

3. Students are required to maintain a valid certificate in Basic Cardiac Life Support (CPR_HCP) & First Aid throughout the three (3) years of the program. Students in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry will be required to care for persons with infectious diseases (including Hepatitis B and HIV) should they be assigned to them. Students accepted into the program will be sent complete documentation regarding health status policies and immunization requirements. Documentation of immunization and tuberculin status will be required.

4. All dental students will interact with vulnerable populations through the course of their academic programs. In recognition of the requirements of clinical agencies to ensure that dental students do not place vulnerable populations at risk, the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry requires that all students provide, as a condition of their admission into the DDS and Advanced Standing programs, a current Police Records Check including Vulnerable Sector (Position) Screening.

Tuition fees for the ASPIDG vary from year to year. Current fees can be found on the Office of the Registrar website.

Admissions Appeal Procedure

The decision of the School of Dentistry concerning admission to the ASPIDG is final. No appeal mechanism exists.