Academic Calendar - 2024

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2024
return to: Academic Rights and Responsibilities


Academic Accommodation of Students in the Reserve Forces

To accommodate student participation in the Reserve Forces, Western will consider requests by student reservists seeking academic accommodation to meet their military service obligations.

The following are some of the academic accommodations that may be considered through the Deans’ offices:

1. Deferral of scheduled exams that conflict with military activities in which the student reservists participate during the academic term.

2. Postponement of scheduled assignments that conflict with military activities in which the student reservists participate during the academic term.

3. Short-term leaves of absence (two weeks or less) from their academic studies to perform military service.

4. Extended leaves of absence (one or more semesters) from their academic studies to perform military service with no effect on their existing admission status or course  accreditation.

5. Exemptions from financial and other penalties associated with leaves of absence, exam deferrals or assignment postponements noted above.


1. Requests from student reservists for academic accommodations normally should be submitted in writing in the form of a petition to the Dean’s office, and should be provided in sufficient time to allow proper review and consideration prior to the commencement of military activities.

2. The Dean’s Office will require confirmation from the student reservist’s Commanding Officer to substantiate a request for academic accommodation.


1. Student reservists are to submit requests for academic accommodation in writing to the appropriate Dean’s Office.

2. The Dean’s Office should inform the student reservists as soon as practical of their decision either to grant or refuse the request.


Academic Handbook, Rights and Responsibilities, Reserve Forces