Academic Calendar - 2024

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2024
return to: Admission


Undergraduate Admission Scholarships

Undergraduate Admission Scholarships Program
President's Entrance Scholarships (part of the National Scholarship Program)
5 at $65,000 ($20,000 for year one, $15,000 annually for years two to four), and Up to 15 at $50,000 ($10,000 annually, plus $10,000 towards first year residence)

Beryl Ivey Continuing Entrance Award (part of the National Scholarship Program)
One at $64,000; payable $16,000 per academic year for a period of four years.

International President’s Entrance Scholarships (part of the National Scholarship Program)
3 at $50,000 ($10,000 annually, plus $10,000 towards first year residence costs).  These scholarships are available to International students only (not Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents).

Faculty Entrance Scholarships (part of the National Scholarship Program)
Up to 15 at $30,000 ($6,000 annually, plus $6,000 towards first year residence)

National Scholarship Study Abroad Awards (part of the National Scholarship Program)
Up to 30 at $2,500 for up to 4 months (one term), $5,000 for over 4 months (more than one term). These awards are not available to recipients of the International President’s Entrance Scholarships.

National Merit Awards (part of the National Scholarship Program)
Up to 50 awards at $2,000 (One-Year Scholarships) Given to top applicants as selected by the National Scholarship Selection Committee. Recipients will be applicants who have been interviewed for a National Scholarship but not offered a scholarship and are accepting an offer of admission to main campus.    Recipients will also retain eligibility for a Western Admission Scholarship.

Admission Scholarship Program
A graduated program of award recognition as a means of crediting higher academic excellence with greater award monies. None of these awards will be faculty-driven. With the exception of the President’s Entrance Scholarships, Beryl Ivey Continuing Entrance Award, Faculty Entrance Scholarships and National Scholarship Study Abroad Awards offered through the National Scholarship Program, admission scholarships are available to International Students.

1. Western Continuing Admission Scholarships
An unlimited number of Continuing Admission Scholarships will be available for students with entering averages of 95% or higher. The value of the award will be $2,500 per year for four years. (In order to retain a Continuing Scholarship a student must, for each academic year (September - April), achieve an overall average of at least 80%, complete a prescribed academic program requiring 5.0 or more courses as required by the respective program and take the full complement of the prescribed courses of the academic program (both principal and elective courses) within the academic year (September to April).

2. Western Scholarship of Excellence
Applicants with 90.0% to 94.9% will receive an offer of $2,000 (One-Year Scholarships).

3. Western Scholarship of Distinction
Applicants with 88.0% to 89.9% will receive an offer of $1,000 (One-Year Scholarships).

Offer and Adjudication Process for Admission Scholarships
For all students offered admission scholarships, the following offer and adjudication process will apply:

1. Students must apply directly from secondary school to Western’s main campus for full-time first-year studies.
2. Eligibility will be based on successful completion of the secondary school diploma and on the student’s final admission average, including prerequisite courses, calculated for the program to which the student has confirmed acceptance.
3. Official admission scholarship notification will be emailed to eligible students in late August.


• The Don Wright Faculty of Music will select the Continuing Admission Scholarship recipients for the Music Program.    University Admission Scholarships to the Faculty of Music are awarded to applicants on the basis of high academic achievement and on high musical potential demonstrated by an audition. Additional Faculty of Music awards and scholarships for which entering students may be eligible are listed in the Professional Awards - Music Section.
• Students whose admission into first-year programs has been deferred by the Registrar's Office for one year may not have their Admission Scholarship deferred.    Provided that the student has not attended a post-secondary institution they can be considered for Admission Scholarships based on the eligibility criteria applicable in the year that they register at the University.

Admission Scholarships - Eligibility of High School Students with Transfer Credit
Where the basis of admission is secondary school or CEGEP, applicants will automatically be eligible for admission scholarships if the following conditions are met:

a) The applicant applied directly from secondary school. (The applicant must not have attended a post-secondary institution, or attended a post-secondary institution and then returned to secondary school.)
b) The applicant has completed the secondary school diploma successfully.
c) The applicant meets the final admission average requirement.

Applicants Presenting the International Baccalaureate Diploma as the Basis of Admission
Applicants presenting the International Baccalaureate diploma as the basis of admission may be granted advanced standing in higher level subjects as determined by the policies of the Admissions Office. They may receive advanced standing for more than three IB subjects and still remain eligible for admission scholarships. Such applicants will be allowed to retain their scholarships, where applicable, for four years, or the completion of an Honours undergraduate degree (or equivalent), whichever comes first.

Admission Scholarships - Deferment for One Year
A student whose request to defer admission to the University has been granted for one year will not have his/her admission scholarship deferred. Provided that the student has not attended a post-secondary institution they can be considered for admission scholarships based on the eligibility criteria applicable in the year that they register at the University.

Renewal of the Western Continuing Admission Scholarship for Students who do not Meet the Average Renewal Requirement
Students who do not meet the average renewal requirement for the Western Continuing Admission  Scholarship will have the opportunity to regain the scholarship for the following academic year, provided that the average requirement is achieved at the end of that academic year and students meet the following conditions:

  1. Students must remain registered as full-time students at main campus in undergraduate studies.
  2. Students must register full time with a full course load (minimum 5.0 or more courses as required by the respective program).
  3. The scholarship is only applicable to the first 4 years of undergraduate studies.
  4. This policy is only applicable to the Western Continuing Admission Scholarship.

Students who did not retain the Western Continuing Admission Scholarship because of average requirement prior to October 1, 2015 can be considered for renewal provided that the students self-identify and the above conditions are met.

In-Course Scholarships for Part-time Students
Candidates must be registered as part-time undergraduate students in their first degree and have completed five (5.0) but not more than seven (7.0) courses with at least an 80% average at The University of Western Ontario. In cases where more than five courses have been completed, the academic record will be judged on the best five courses provided that the average for all courses completed is at least 80%.

Scholarships  will  be  awarded  in  August. Students who accept an in-course scholarship offer must complete at least two (2.0) full (or equivalent) courses during each calendar year (i.e., Winter and Summer) commencing in September of the year of the award.

The academic record of each recipient will be reviewed in May, in January and in August.  To retain the scholarship, the recipient must have completed at least two full (or equivalent) courses and must have maintained an average of at least 80% on all work under review.

Each  Scholarship awarded will be applied  against  the maximum credit of fifteen (15.0) full courses regardless of course withdrawal.

Retention of Continuing Scholarships

Retention of Continuing Scholarships (Admission and In-Course)
(For Athletic Financial Awards please refer to the Athletic Financial Awards section of the Academic Handbook)

To retain a Continuing Admisison Scholarship a student must, during the fall/winter academic year (September to April) fulfill the following requirements:

a) complete a prescribed academic program requiring 5.0 or more courses as required by the respective program;
b) take the full complement of the prescribed courses of the academic program (both principal and elective courses) within the academic year; and,
c) achieve an overall average of at least 80% (A).

To retain a Continuing In-Course Scholarship, a student must, during the previous fall/winter academic year (September to April) fulfill the following requirements:

a) remain registered in an eligible module/program for the scholarship;
b) maintain full-time status (at least 3.5 courses), including prescribed courses of their academic program; and
c) achieve an overall average of at least 80% (A). Note that some externally-endowed scholarships may have additional requirements, such as a full course load.

Students holding a Continuing Scholarship, Admission or In-Course, in a Professional School or Faculty whose average falls below 80% will be required to stand in the top 25% of the class and achieve an average of 75% or better to maintain that Continuing Scholarship.


i) The BHSc or the BSc or BA in Kinesiology will not be considered professional programs for the purpose of retaining a Continuing Scholarship.
ii) After Completion of Three-Year Program: Students holding a University of Western Ontario Continuing Scholarship may continue with the scholarship after taking a three-year degree provided that the student continues in a full-time undergraduate program in the fourth year. Academic work over the four years must be consecutive.   
iii) Formal exchanges: Continuing scholarships can be retained by students who participate in formal exchange programs.
iv) Letters of Permission: Students on letters of permission who have been granted awards for past academic achievements will not be allowed to retain their scholarship.

Retention of Scholarships by Students Transferring Between Faculties
Students who have been awarded President's Scholarships will retain their scholarship irrespective of the undergraduate Faculty in which they choose to register.

Students who have been awarded Faculty Entrance Scholarships or a UWO continuing scholarship may retain their scholarship irrespective of the undergraduate Faculty in which they choose to register after first year.


Senate Academic Policies:
Scholarships - Admission and In-Course Scholarships