Academic Calendar - 2024

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2024
return to: Degree Requirements and Graduation


Progression Requirements – Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)

Progression Requirements

1. The progress of each Teacher Candidate is subject to formal and informal assessment and evaluation in each of the four academic terms, at every stage of the professional program to determine attainment of experience specific objectives, learning outcomes and professional competencies. 

All candidates registered in the program are expected to be in compliance with Western University’s Degree Level Expectations, and all other applicable policies or statements governed by Western University, including the Code of Student Conduct, MAPP 1.35 – Non-Discrimination/Harassment/Sexual Misconduct Policy, and MAPP 1.46 – Safe Campus Community. In addition, Teacher Candidates must develop and demonstrate the attributes of a professional educator as outlined and regulated in the Ontario College of Teachers’ (OCT) Accreditation standards, the Standards of Professional Practice and Ethical Standards for the Profession, and as administered and assessed in the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program. To remain registered is contingent on maintaining a satisfactory level of performance in all courses and requirements.

Grade reports are tracked and monitored as per Western policy. 

Student progress toward meeting the OCT competencies is documented, monitored and assessed in all components of the program. Candidates document their growth through their Professional Practice Record in their Master Teacher Mentoring groups, under the supervision of a Master Teacher Mentor. Professional Practice Records are reviewed annually by senior leaders in local school boards.

 Progress in the Practicum is documented using an approved Practicum report which must be submitted to the Ontario College of Teachers. If students struggle during practicum, either they or their Associate Teacher will reach out to the Practicum Office, and a Practicum Consultant will be engaged to work with the student and the Associate Teacher. A practicum that is deemed unsuccessful by an Associate Teacher in consultation with a Practicum Consultant will be reported to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education and the student will be placed on Conditional Status. An unsuccessful practicum automatically results in ONE makeup practicum.  

Progress in the Alternative Field Experience is monitored and tracked by the Program Coordinator in the Teacher Education office and supervised by the Alternative Field Experience placement supervisor. An unsuccessful Alternative Field Experience is a decision made between the Supervisor and the Program Coordinator, resulting in a ‘fail’ and will be reported to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education. A student who is unsuccessful in the Alternative Field Experience will be placed on Conditional Status, with ONE opportunity to make up an Alternative Field Experience.  

Progress in the Transition to Professional Practice Professional Development series is tracked by the Program Coordinator. A student who does not attend the requisite sessions is reported to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education, and will be placed on Conditional Status.  

Progress in the Capstone Project is supervised by the Specialty area Faculty member in the course. Like all courses, students who fail to meet the expectations of the course will fail the course, and thus, fail to progress in the program.

2. A Teacher Candidate who fails to maintain a satisfactory level of performance may at any time be Required to Withdraw or be placed on Conditional Status. This decision will be made following a recommendation to the Dean (or Associate Dean) by the Teacher Education Advisory Board.

3. Upon the recommendation of the Teacher Education Advisory Board to the Dean (Associate Dean) a student may be denied a school placement for either a practicum or another purpose related to the B.Ed.

4. Reasons for Withdrawal, Conditional Status, or denial of school placements will be provided to the student in writing:  

  1. Teacher Candidates who are placed on Conditional Status or denied school placements will be provided with a set of conditions to be met for successful completion of their program.
  2. Teacher Candidates who are required to withdraw will not be considered for readmission until after a hiatus of one full academic year.
  3. Teacher Candidates who withdraw from the program or who are required to withdraw will not retain credit for courses or practica that may have been completed at the time of withdrawal

Progression from Term to Term and Graduation

1. All courses and practica in each term must be completed satisfactorily before a Teacher Candidate may progress to each subsequent term of the program. An overall pass is required in course work, with a pass being the equivalent of 76% in all courses.

2. Teacher Candidates who do not complete all requirements in the first two terms satisfactorily, (including the Practicum, Alternative Field Experience (AFE), Transition to Practice (T2P) and in demonstrations of professional suitability) will be withdrawn from the program.

3. Under exceptional circumstances, a Teacher Candidate may be permitted to defer enrollment for the second two terms for one year in order to complete requirements of terms one and two. Such exceptional circumstances will be adjudicated on a case-by-case basis by the Dean (Associate Dean, Teacher Education).

4. All term three and four components of the program (courses, practica, T2P and alternative field experiences) must be completed satisfactorily before a Teacher Candidate can qualify for the B.Ed., and be recommended for certification by the Ontario College of Teachers.

Requirements for Participation in Practicum  

Admission to the B.Ed. program entails admission to the practicum program, provided the following requirements are met:

1. Essential Skills & Abilities Requirement: Teacher Candidates must be able to demonstrate responsibility for the physical safety, psychological health, and educational well-being of students in schools. 

2. Ethical Requirement: Teacher Candidates in Ontario Faculties of Education are Associate Members of the Ontario Teachers Federation and are thereby subject to Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession of the Ontario College of Teachers1. Teacher Candidates must demonstrate care, respect, trust, and integrity in all interactions with students, parents, other teachers, school personnel, and members of the public.  

3. Police Record Check Requirement: A Police Record Check which includes Vulnerable Position Screening and which is acceptable to the school boards with whom the Faculty of Education works is required before a Teacher Candidate can be placed in a school for a practicum. If information that is unacceptable to school boards appears on a Teacher Candidate’s police record check, that Teacher Candidate will not be able to be placed for a practicum and will be required to withdraw from the program.  

4. Attendance and meeting program component requirements: Teacher Candidates must maintain a satisfactory record of attendance, satisfactory standing in all program requirements. Unexcused absences, non-participation in classes, AFE, T2P, incomplete or unsatisfactory assignments and not demonstrating professional suitability as outlined by the OCT Standards and Ethical Standards of the profession, are all grounds for denying a practicum placement.  

Initial Practicum Placement

Teacher Candidates who meet the requirements outlined above will be assigned an initial practicum placement.

Practicum Progression

Appeal Process
For more information about the appeal process, consult the Undergraduate Student Academic Appeals policy.

[1] Ontario College of Teachers Professional Standards

Academic Handbook, Registration, Progression Requirements - Education