Academic Calendar - 2024

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2024
return to: Degree Requirements and Graduation


Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) Program and DDS Advanced Standing Program for International Dental Graduates (IDG), Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) Program and DDS Advanced Standing Program for International Dental Graduates (IDG), Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry


The Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) program in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry is a four-year program, however for international dental graduates it is a three-year program with students starting in Year 2. The program is divided into integrated years of learning offering large and small group, laboratory, pre-clinical Simulation Clinic, Dental Clinic, and Community Service.

Years 1 and Year 2 courses involve both in-person and online learning; laboratory experiences; pre-clinical dental simulation; large group learning; and small group learning. Students are required to successfully complete all course requirements in Year 1 before transitioning to Year 2, as well as successfully complete all Year 2 requirements before transitioning to Year 3.

Year 3 courses involve both in-person and online learning. Year 3 is a clinically intensive year in the Dental Clinic, providing students with a broad-clinical experience emphasizing a comprehensive patient-centered approach to oral health. Students are required to successfully complete all requirements prior to transitioning to Year 4.

Year 4 courses involve both in-person and online learning and the majority of courses occur in the Fall. Year 4 is a clinically intensive year in the Dental Clinic providing students with a broad clinical experience emphasizing a comprehensive patient-centered approach to oral health. Students are required to successfully achieve competence in all requirements to be recommended for graduation.

The Academic Year

The academic year at the Schulich School of Dentistry comprises a period of approximately 32 weeks and is divided into two-terms. (See Schulich Dentistry – Sessional Dates).

The timetable for the first term is available one-week prior to the first day of classes. Schulich Dentistry may, on notice, schedule compulsory classes and seminars additional to those indicated on the timetable.

During the examination period, only mid-term and/or final written and/or practical examinations will be held.

The fall term, including the examination week, shall not extend beyond December 22 in any year.

The winter term shall normally begin on the Monday of the first full week in January.

No lectures, seminars, laboratory or preclinical or clinical sessions shall be scheduled for Years 1, 2, 3, and 4 during the examination week(s).

Term tests that are not mid-terms are to be scheduled at times normally assigned to a course for lectures, seminars and/or laboratories but not within two weeks of the examination week(s).

A study week shall be scheduled during the March Break to coincide with the Schulich Doctor of Medicine Program.



It is expected that students attend all scheduled curricular learning experiences in the DDS program, including laboratory, pre-clinical and clinical. Failure to attend curricular learning experiences, including scheduled pre-clinical and clinical sessions, without prior advanced approval will be considered a breach of professionalism and may result in a failing grade, remediation or dismissal.

Professional Ethical Standards

All candidates registered in the program are expected to be in compliance with Western University’s Degree Level Expectations, and all other applicable policies or statements governed by Western University, including the Code of Student Conduct, MAPP 1.35 – Non-Discrimination/Harassment/Sexual Misconduct Policy, and MAPP 1.46 – Safe Campus Community. In addition, candidates must develop and demonstrate the attributes of a professional as outlined and regulated by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO), the Schulich Dentistry Professionalism Policy, and Schulich Medicine and Dentistry Charter of Professionalism.


On admission and for annual clearance, students are required to provide immunization documentation as it relates to the requirements of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry listed on the Learner Experience Office website.

Police Checks

Students enrolled in the DDS program are engaged in patient care, including vulnerable sectors (i.e., children, adolescents, special needs, adults, seniors, etc.) during their learning. To fulfill legal obligations that support patient safety, students will be required to submit their police record checks and vulnerable sector checks upon admission to the Program prior to beginning Year 1 studies and prior to the beginning of Years 3 and 4. Year 2 students must provide a signed declaration before beginning Year 2. This must be completed independently by the learner and submitted to the Learner Experience Office. Students are not permitted to commence their studies in Year 1, Year 3 and Year 4 if they do not submit or update required documentation of a clean police and vulnerable sector check. Students must consult the Admissions Office (for Year 1) and the Learner Experience Office (Years 2,3, and 4) about processes to follow in the event of a failed check.

Time Limitation for Completion of Program

The DDS program is a full-time, four-year professional academic program (or three-year for International Dental Graduates). Students on request to the Vice-Dean and Director of Dentistry may be granted a leave of absence while enrolled in their program studies. The DDS program however must be completed within five consecutive years (or four years for international dental graduates) of the original date of enrollment.

A student who fails to complete the DDS program within the stipulated consecutive time period, for any reason, must withdraw from the DDS program. Only under extenuating circumstances may a student apply for readmission to the DDS program, and there is no guarantee that a student will successfully gain readmission to the program. All applications for readmission to the DDS program are reviewed by the Vice-Dean and Director of Dentistry.

Assessment in the DDS program occurs via different testing methods and the principal function is to provide feedback to support student learning and achievement of competence. All assessment activities are aligned with the competencies of a beginning dental practitioner in Canada which were established by the National Dental Examining Board of Canada.

Satisfactory Progression without Condition

To complete a year's work and be permitted to register in the succeeding year of the dental program, a student must:

  1. Satisfactorily complete the prescribed assignments for both credit and non-credit courses;
  2. Obtain at least a Pass level of performance in each credit course. 


  1. The pass level of performance will transition to 65% effective September 1, 2024 and 70% effective September 1, 2025. “Transition Year”: September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025.

  2. A course shall be defined as a discrete division of a general subject and is characterized by specific instruction and by examination specific to the said course. Where a general subject is not divided into discrete divisions it shall, for the purpose of these regulations, be considered a course.

  3. In each course, the ratio of term grades to final examination grades is determined by the Course Director of the department concerned.

Eligibility for Awards

Students are required to achieve a passing grade without benefit of supplemental examination(s) in all courses of the academic year, as well as have no breaches of professionalism, to be eligible for Professional Awards in that year.

Conditional Progression

A student may be given permission by the Vice-Dean and Director of Dentistry to progress or continue in the dental program with conditions as noted below:

First and Second Years
A first or second-year student who fails either the written and/or preclinical laboratory component(s) of a course may be granted permission to write a supplemental examination in either or both components of that course. If a student is granted permission to take a supplemental examination in either or both components, the student:

1. must achieve a minimum Pass level of performance on the supplemental examination(s), otherwise the student will receive a grade of “fail”;
2. will be given a grade of 70% (Transition Year – 65%) in the course, regardless of the passing grade achieved on the supplemental examination

Third and Fourth Years
A third or fourth-year student who fails the written component of a course may be granted a supplemental examination in that component. If a student is granted permission to take a supplemental examination in either or both components, the student:

1. must achieve a minimum pass level of performance on the supplemental examination(s), otherwise the student will receive a grade of “fail”;
2. will be given a grade of 70% (Transition Year – 65%) in the course regardless of the passing grade achieved on the supplemental examination.

If, by the end of the academic year, a student in third or fourth-year has not completed all clinical cases, requirements and other assignments prescribed in a clinical component of a course, but has an overall passing grade in those activities that have been done, the Clinical Division may recommend that a grade of 'Incomplete' be given. The recommendation will include:

1. The type and extent of the work to be completed;
2. The date on which it must be completed;
3. The name of the Division who will evaluate the student's work;
4. The date by which the final grade will be forwarded to the Registrar's Office.

If a student fails to satisfactorily complete the clinical cases in the prescribed time necessary to remove the course grade of “incomplete”, this will result in a failure of the course.

No supplemental examinations will be permitted in the clinical component of third or fourth-year courses, 5320 and 5420. If, by the end of the academic year, a student in third or fourth-year has a failing grade in a clinical discipline within 5320 or 5420, that student shall be given a grade of "Fail" in 5320 or 5420.

Unsatisfactory Standing

A student shall be considered to have failed the year if the student attains:

1. Less than a Pass level of performance in one or more courses or components of courses where supplemental examination(s) are not granted;
2. Less than a Pass level of performance in a supplemental examination.
3. Fails 30% of their course load in a single year. Course load will be determined by the number of course credits. Each course is equivalent to one course credit whether it is a half-year or full-year course.

Requirement to Repeat a Failed Year

Students who have been considered to have failed the year will be required to either repeat the year or withdraw from the program, which will be dependent on the number and magnitude of the failures. The Competency and Progressions Committee and Vice-Dean and Director of Dentistry will determine if a student is required to repeat a year or withdraw from the DDS program.

If a student is required to repeat the year, they must repeat the entire year. Only in extenuating circumstances will the Vice-Dean and Director of Dentistry grant an exemption.

Supplemental examination privileges are not extended to students repeating a year.

A student granted the privilege of repeating a year will be responsible for all applicable tuition and Dentistry fees outlined in the Fee Schedule of the year being repeated.

Requirement to Withdraw

A student who has not met the requirements listed for “Satisfactory Progression” above or was not successful in demonstrating sufficient achievement and progression after appropriate remediation and/or supplemental examinations shall be required to withdraw from the DDS program for any of the following reasons:

  1. The student has not met the conditions listed under “Conditional Progression” and, therefore is not eligible for supplemental assessment.
  2. The student has met the conditions listed under “Conditional Progression” but permission for supplemental assessment is not granted by the Competency and Progressions Committee and Vice-Dean and Director of Dentistry.
  3. The student is offered and completes a repeat year of supplementary learning and is not successful in progression.
  4. The student has failed a second year of studies (does not have to be consecutive).
  5. The student has failed 30% or more of their course load in a single year.
  6. The student that has met the requirements under “Satisfactory Progression” but may be required to withdraw under the University penalties for Scholastic Offenses or violation of the Western University Code of Student Conduct.
  7. The student has met the requirements under “Satisfactory Progression” but has not been compliant with the Professional Ethical Standards defined above.
  8. The student has not met the requirements for immunization and/or Police Record Check/Vulnerable Sector Screening resulting in suspension of pre-clinical or clinical privileges and failure to complete academic requirements.
  9. The student has failed to remit tuition or student fees and has been sent to collection, resulting in suspension of pre-clinical or clinical privileges and failure to complete academic requirements.
  10. The student has met the requirements under “Satisfactory Progression” but has not adhered to the “Program Regulations” identified in this document, including (but not limited to) professional conduct.


Students wishing to appeal a decision of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry should refer to the Undergraduate Student Academic Appeals policy.


If a student has been asked to withdraw from the DDS Program for unsatisfactory standing, readmission to the Program will be subject to the following conditions:

  1. A student may be permitted to repeat the failed year. Permission to repeat first year is seldom given, and then only under extenuating circumstances. Permission to repeat one of the subsequent years is normally given, but is subject to a vacancy being available in the year to be repeated.
  2. Applications for readmission must be submitted in writing to the Director of Dentistry on or before August 15 of the year in which readmission is being sought.
  3. A student who is granted permission to repeat a year is required to repeat the entire year, regardless of the achievement level. All prescribed work must be completed satisfactorily or the student will be required to withdraw from the Faculty of Dentistry. Supplemental examination privileges are not normally extended to students repeating a year.

A student who voluntarily withdraws from a specific year of instruction before the end of the Fall-Term may apply for readmission to the Vice-Dean and Director of Dentistry by July 1 of the following year. In such event, the year from which the student withdrew would not be counted within the sixty-month period (or forty-eight months for International Dental Graduates) allowed to complete the program.


Students are able to access their grades at the end of each academic term through the Student Center. The key to grades is:

September 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024: This will be a transition year with 65% to 100% being a “pass” and below 65% a “fail”.
In the Transition Year (September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025) 65% to 100% will be a “pass” and below 65% will be a “fail”.

Effective September 1, 2025:

70% and above: Pass
Below 70%: Fail
IPR: Course in Progress
INC: Incomplete

Students must satisfactorily complete all course requirements to receive a Pass level of performance, which includes formative assessments and a minimum grade of 70% (Transition Year – 65%) on summative assessments.

Note: Effective September 1, 2025, the Pass level of performance and minimum grade on summative assessments will change to 70%.

Remedial Work/Supplemental Examination

A grade of 70% (Transition Year – 65%) is given to students who have failed a course and have successfully completed remediation work and/or a supplemental examination.


See the “Dean’s Honour List and Graduation “With Distinction”” policy.

Graduation Requirements
A student who successfully completes the work of their final year of the DDS program shall be recommended for graduation.