Academic Calendar - 2024

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2024
return to: Registration


Normal Course Load

1. The normal course load for a first-year program is 5.0 courses numbered 1000 to 1999.

2. Students enrolled in 3.5 courses or more in the Fall/Winter session are considered full-time students; students enrolled in fewer than 3.5 courses in any term are considered part-time students.

3. For students in second year and above, the normal course load is 5.0 courses, but 1.0 additional course may be included in any academic year with the consent of the Dean of the faculty in which the student is registered.

4. In order to maintain a balanced course load, students may not take more than 2.5 courses in each of the Fall (September – December) and Winter (January – April) terms, unless the Dean of the student’s faculty provides an exemption, or the student is also registered in a course that is offered outside of a regular session (i.e. X, Y course).

5. Students may not take more than 3.0 courses by distance studies during fall/winter session. Students wishing to take more than the permitted number of distance studies course must receive permission from the dean of their academic faculty before course selection.

Spring/Summer Sessions, including Distance Education

6. The workload for the Spring/Summer/Distance Sessions* (i.e. May to August) at this University or any other shall be restricted to a maximum of 2.5 courses, with no more than 2.0 courses to be taken simultaneously (excluding Distance Education courses). In the case where 2.0 courses are taken simultaneously, only 1.0 of them may be a laboratory course.

7. The Dean of the faculty in which the student is registered may authorize enrolment different from the above.

* Because the Summer Evening Session runs concurrently with Intersession and the regular Summer Day Session, the significance of "simultaneously" is that the limit of two courses applies whether the two courses are taken in a single session or in two concurrent sessions.


Academic Handbook, Registration, Course Load