The University maintains a record of a student's academic progress throughout his or her career at Western. This record provides information for academic counselling purposes and serves as the basis for producing grade reports and student transcripts. The following is a description of the kinds of information held by the University and the information that is provided on grade reports and transcripts.
Academic files
The Registrar's Office keeps an electronic file of all information relating to a student's academic progress. This includes a student's:
The academic file is a confidential internal document that is available only to individuals authorised to view the files.
There are other electronic files/databases on students, including:
In addition to these electronic records, the Academic Counselling Office of a student's Faculty may keep a file containing written documents relating to a student's academic progress. These may include:
These files are also confidential internal documents that are available only to the student's Dean and Academic Counselling Office.
A student who has been found guilty of a scholastic offence may also have an offence record that is kept separate from the academic file. (See section on Scholastic Offences.)
Grade Reports
Students are able to access their grades at the end of each academic term through their Student Center ( Where appropriate, courses attempted, milestones recorded, the grades achieved, comments concerning a student's eligibility for a requested program, progression and graduation eligibility, and averages are reported to the student. This information is confidential and may only be accessed by entering their Western user ID and password.
Western’s Co-Curricular Record is a collaboration between Western University and its Affiliated Colleges – King’s University College and Huron University College. It is a record of a student’s engagement and leadership involvement during their time at Western.
The Co-Curricular Record is separate from the Academic Record and it lists activities such as participation in student life programs, leadership development, community service learning, and involvement activities that contribute to the student’s experience. The Co-Curricular Record chronicles a student’s non-academic engagement across core areas, such as career preparation, communication, diversity, engaging the arts, global awareness, leadership, social responsibility, etc.
The Co-curricular Record supports students in:
For more information please visit:
A transcript is a copy of a student's permanent academic record at this University, duly certified by the Registrar. If in paper format, the transcript will bear the embossed seal of the University. If in electronic format, the transcript will be certified with a cryptographic signature. A transcript is privileged information and is available only upon the written or online request and payment of the fee in effect at the time by the student. For current fees and processing times check the website of the Office of the Registrar:
A transcript is required as one of the supporting documents for application to another university, graduate schools, fellowship and scholarship applications; and is commonly required by prospective employers.
The transcript is a record of a student's academic progress. It contains the following information:
Note that a transcript reflects the current status of a student's record at the time it is issued. Students should ensure that any changes to the transcript (e.g., from an INC to a final grade) are recorded before ordering a transcript.
Students who have pursued more than one academic career (e.g., Graduate, Undergraduate, Professional, Education) at Western may request, in writing, a partial transcript. The partial transcript will display only those grades obtained during the specified academic career and will be identified as the transcript for that academic career (e.g., Graduate Transcript).
Transcripts can be ordered online through the Student Center ( or by using the order form available from Student Central, RM 1120 Western Student Services building or from
Official transcripts are sent by the Registrar's Office as designated by the student. The cost for transcripts can be found at
* All transcript transactions in Student Central require valid identification.
Class Average, Class Size on Transcripts
Senate approved that the class (i.e., section) average be added to the transcript (assessing failures as 40), and, that for passing grades, the class size (i.e., section) be added to the transcript (including failures in enrollment).
[Secretarial Note: Although the original proposed implementation date was January 1, 2001, Western in fact implemented class size and average on the transcript in April 2002. Senate was informed that the class average and class size would be on the transcript for courses in the fall/winter 2000 term and onward. Any undergraduate courses on the student’s transcript prior to fall/winter 2000 will only show the mark achieved.]
Transcript Notations:
Secretariat Note: See also the policies on Scholastic Discipline for Graduate and Undergraduate Students:
and the Code of Student Conduct:
Areas of Concentration in Law (To be on Transcripts)
Areas of Concentration are available in Business Law, Criminal Law, Information and Technology Law, and Taxation. All Area of Concentration programs require a student to complete a research paper in the pertinent area. The Area of Concentration research paper must meet the criteria of the Faculty's writing requirement necessary for graduation, and may be used to fulfil that requirement. Students who complete an area of concentration within the JD program will have a notation, e.g., "Area of Concentration: Business Law,” included on their transcripts.
Students who fulfill the requirements of more than one Area of Concentration shall have a notation for all such successfully completed concentrations included on their transcripts.
In order to maintain the integrity of the University’s student records, each student is required to provide either on application for admission or on personal data forms required for registration, their complete legal name. Any requests to change a student’s name by means of alteration, deletion, substitution or addition, must meet the criteria outlined below.
Printing Students' Name on Degree Diplomas
Students’ names (first, middle and last names) as confirmed during the application to graduate process, will be printed on Degree Diplomas in capital letters. Students wishing to include lower case letters or accents in their names must follow the “Request to Change Students’ Names on Degree Diplomas ” policy below.
Requests to Change Students’ Names on Academic Records and Transcripts
Students who wish to change their name used for official registration purposes are required to provide acceptable documentation and photo identification reflecting the change.
Requests to Change Students’ Names on Degree Diplomas
Students who wish to include a variation of their complete name for the purpose of their printed degree are required to put this request in writing to the Office of the Registrar. The name variation for the printed degree will be retained as part of the student's permanent record and displayed on official transcripts with the degree conferral information*. To maintain data integrity, name change requests will not be accepted by email or through third parties without written authorization by the student.
The following are examples of acceptable requests for student name changes without documentation:
Change | Example |
Truncation of names | Alexander to A. |
Diminutives of names | James to Jim |
Variation in the order of names | Surname/Given name |
Use of religious names | Addition of Mohammad |
Removal of middle names | Jane Ann Smith to Jane Smith |
Using both capital and lower case letters |
Addition of accents |
Use of previously approved Preferred/Chosen first name | See “Request to Change Students’ Preferred/Chosen First Name” policy |
*Requests to include accents will NOT be included on official transcripts or displayed as part of the student’s centrally maintained academic record
Request to Change Students’ Preferred/Chosen First Name
A student’s preferred/chosen first name is typically the first name that they commonly go by, and differs from their legal first name. Western University requires that individuals use their legal name on all legal records and official documents. However, Western University also recognizes that, as an inclusive community, many of its members use first names other than their legal first names to identify themselves. The University acknowledges that a preferred/chosen first name can and should be used wherever possible in the course of University business and education.
Preferred/Chosen First Name is supported in the systems identified through the Office of the Registrar.
Senate Academic Policies:
General Policy, Academic Records and Student Transcripts