Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025
return to: Admission


Western's Initiative for Scholarly Excellence (WISE)

Western's Initiative for Scholarly Excellence (WISE)
Secondary school students who are studying in Ontario at the time of their application may be eligible to enroll tuition-free in 1.0 university course on campus or by distance studies at either the Constituent University or the Affiliated University Colleges, concurrently with their secondary school studies.

Credit for this course will be granted upon successful completion of the course. Registration in a course shall require that the necessary prerequisites at the secondary school level have been attained. Students may not register in a first-year course at the University when an equivalent course in the subject is available to them in the secondary school system.

Admission Requirements
Completion of a minimum of 22 credits. For applicants who have completed at least one Grade 12 U or M credit, achievement of an overall 80% average in subjects taken at the Grade 10, 11 and 12 levels. For those applicants who have not completed any Grade 12 U or M credits, an overall 85% average will be required on subjects undertaken in Grades 10 and 11. Registration in a sufficient number of secondary school subjects to fulfill Western's admission requirements and nomination by the secondary school principal, guidance counsellor or teacher are required also. Possession of the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission as admission is competitive and limited. Applicants are required to be proficient in both spoken and written English.

Application forms for the WISE program may be obtainled from The Student Success Centre at 

Applications and all documentation should be submitted to The Student Success Centre no later than June 15 for the fall/winter session.

WISE students who wish to study in an undergraduate degree program at Western after completing the WISE program must submit a formal application for admission through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre.

Tuition Fees Waived for Concurrent or OSSD Students
Tuition fees shall be waived for OSSD students enrolled in one university course.

Western's School within a University (SWAU)

Western's School Within a University (SWAU)

Western’s SWAU program, inclusive of its Affiliated University Colleges, is open to secondary school students who are studying at one of the secondary schools of the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB). The aim of the program is to create a pathway to university for capable high-school students who, for a variety of reasons, may not envision studying at a university as a possibility.

Students complete their high school credits in the mornings at Western. The TVDSB will provide a high school teacher who specializes in alternative education to supervise and evaluate the high school component of this program.

Students complete the equivalent of 1.0 pre-selected degree-credit course at the Constituent University and/or its Affiliated University Colleges in either the afternoon or evening. To register in the degree-credit course, the necessary prerequisites at the secondary school level must have been completed successfully. Tuition fees are waived for 1.0 (or equivalent) course. Credit will be granted upon successful completion of the course.

A mentor group consisting of faculty, staff and peers from Western provides support to students to help ensure success.
SWAU students who wish to be considered for admission to an undergraduate degree program at Western subsequent to the SWAU program must submit a formal application through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre.

SWAU Admission Requirements
High school students from the TVDSB who have been identified by the TVDSB as academically capable of moving on to university are eligible for this program. Identification of students is the responsibility of a team of experts established by the TVDSB. Admission is based on a combination of the following criteria: an assessment that the student is disengaged and at risk; academic achievement; and intensive interviews to assess potential of success in the program. Nominations must be submitted to the Undergraduate Admissions Office at Western by the TVDSB no later than June 1 for courses commencing in September. Students must have completed a minimum of 24 secondary school credits and meet Western’s requirements for English language proficiency.

Senate Academic Policies:
Admission - 
Part-Time Admission for OSSD Students (WISE and SWAU)