Academic Calendar - 2024

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2024
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Eligibility and Tenability of Scholarships, Awards and Medals

Scholarships, Awards and Prizes - Definitions and Approval Process

See also the MAPP 2.10 - Policy and Procedure on Scholarships, Awards and Prizes 

Eligibility and Tenability of Scholarships, Awards and Medals
Eligibility and tenability of all scholarships and awards granted by The University of Western Ontario are reserved for students registered at the Constituent University only, unless the provisions of a particular scholarship or award state otherwise. Eligibility for medals cannot be extended to graduating students of the Affiliated Colleges.

If a student is found responsible for misconduct under the Code of Student Conduct, or commits a scholastic offence as defined by the Scholastic Discipline (Undergraduate/Graduate) policy, he/she may become ineligible for consideration or continuation of University awards, prizes, or scholarships at the discretion of the Dean or designate of the student’s home faculty

Awards Scholarships, Awards, Medals and Prizes in the Case of Exact Ties
Scholarships, awards, medals or prizes may not be split, i.e., awarded to multiple recipients. Awards may not be granted “in name only.”

Prizes and Awards Payment - Registration Requirement
Students receiving an award or prize should receive payment regardless of future enrolment of the recipient.

Payment of University-Administered Scholarships and Awards
Any Western administered scholarship/award/prize will be automatically applied to the recipient's tuition account. Credit balances will be issued in the form a cheque by October 31st and mailed to the sessional address.

Withdrawal or Reduced Course Load After Receiving University-Administered Scholarships and Awards

Scholarship/Award recipients who withdraw or reduce their course load to less than 3.5 courses after registration shall be entitled to the prorated value of the scholarship/award only for the number of weeks attended full-time in the academic term. The number of weeks will be calculated using the date of course change or withdrawal.

Policy on Scholarships - Industry Internship Programs
Students are not permitted to receive scholarships in the academic year in which they participate in an Industry Internship Program. Students who qualify to retain a continuing scholarship in the academic year in which they participate in an Industry Internship Program are not permitted to receive the scholarship while participating in the Industry Internship Program, but are permitted to defer receipt of the continuing scholarship for one year.

Scholarships and Prizes - Medicine
The following was approved for the preamble to Medicine's Scholarships and Prize list:

"Recommendations to the Council of the Faculty concerning the assigning of academic awards will be made by the appropriate Teaching Committees, who may at their discretion recommend reversion of some awards. The possibility of reversion will not apply to competitive essay prizes and certain other prizes awarded by selection. The University reserves the right to modify or cancel Scholarship offerings after the date of printing of this publication."

Continuing Scholarships - Retention Requirements in Medicine
Students in the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program are required to achieve a passing grade (without benefit of supplemental examinations) in all courses of the academic year to be eligible for awards in that year.

Scholar's Electives Program - Eligiblity for Scholarships, Award and Prizes
Students in a Scholar's electives program may compete for "In-Course" awards/scholarships/prizes.

Dentistry - Eligibility for Scholarships and Prizes
Students in Dentistry are required to achieve a passing grade (without benefit of supplemental examination(s)) in all courses of the academic year to be eligible for awards in that year.

Eligibility for Scholarships for Students in Combined Honours Programs
Students in Combined Honours programs are eligible for scholarships unless departments request that the conditions of the scholarship be changed.

Eligibility Requirements for OSOTF Awards

(The criteria for OSOTF Awards is the same as that of OTSS (Ontario Trust for Student Support) awards).

Following are the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) residency guidelines which also apply to students receiving Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF)-funded student awards:

To be eligible for Ontario Student Loan funding, a student and/or his/her family must meet one of the following criteria:

• student has lived in Ontario for at least twelve months in a row up to the beginning of his/her full-time post- secondary studies
• student's spouse has lived in Ontario for at least twelve months in a row up to the beginning of student's current period of studies, and student's spouse was not enrolled in full-time post -secondary studies during this twelve month period
• student(s) parent(s), step parent(s), legal guardian(s) or official sponsor(s) have lived (or maintained the family home) in Ontario for at least twelve months in a row up to the beginning of the student's current period of studies

Students living abroad are considered to be residents of Ontario if they (or in the case of single dependent students, their parents) last lived in Ontario for at least twelve consecutive months before going abroad.

Single dependent students whose parents are separated or divorced, will be considered to be residents of Ontario if Ontario is the province of residence of the parent with whom the student normally resides.

Scholarship Appeals

Students whose overall average during the academic year (September - April) falls within 2% of the normal minimum standard for retaining a Continuing Scholarship may appeal in writing to the Office of their Dean outlining the basis of the appeal and any special circumstances which warrant consideration.

While individual faculties may create committees to review appeals, the decision regarding eligibility to retain the scholarship will be the responsibility of the Dean of the Faculty.

Students requesting an appeal to retain their Continuing Scholarship must do so within six weeks from the date of the notification.

Senate Academic Policies, Scholarships and Awards, General Policy on Scholarships, Awards, Prizes