1. The University of Western Ontario Athletic Financial Awards program will accord with the applicable policies of U SPORTS, Ontario University Athletic (OUA) and with Senate policy.
2. AFAs are open to undergraduate and graduate student athletes registered at Western or at an Affiliated University College.
3. Types of AFA
4. Eligibility
5. Value
No student may receive more than a total of $5,000 in AFA funding in any academic year. Value of award determined by the Western Athletic Financial Awards Committee.
6. Allocation Process
7. Gender Equity
The Committee will ensure that equal dollar amounts are allocated to men’s and women’s athletic teams.
8. Injury Policy
A student athlete in receipt of an Entering or Returning AFA who becomes injured during the course of a season will continue to receive his/her award for the balance of the award term. A student athlete in receipt of a Continuing AFA who becomes injured during the course of a season will continue to receive the award for the balance of the award term, provided that he/she continues in an approved program of rehabilitation/training.
9. Appeal Process
Decisions with respect to Entering AFAs are not appealable. With respect to Continuing or Returning AFAs, student athletes may appeal a decision of the Western Athletic Financial Awards Committee by submitting a written appeal to the Committee within eight weeks of the announcement of the awards. The merits of an appeal will be measured against the allocation criteria.
The Associate Dean – Programs of the home faculty or Affiliated University College of the student athlete and the Chair of the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards (or designate) will be added to the membership of the Western Athletic Financial Awards Committee as full voting members for the purposes of hearing and adjudicating an appeal.
10. Annual Report to ACA
Because of the unique nature of these awards, Western Athletic Financial Awards Committee (WAFAC) will report annually through the Faculty of Health Sciences to ACA on the allocation of the awards.
Senate Academic Policies, Scholarships and Awards, Athletic Financial Awards