Academic Calendar - 2024

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2024
return to: Administration


Approval Process for Scholarships, Awards and Prizes

Policy Category: Financial
Subject: Student Scholarships, Awards and Prizes
Approving Authority: Senate and Board of Governors
Responsible Officer: Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Responsible Office: Office of the Registrar, School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Related Procedures: Scholarships, Awards and Prizes – Procedures
Related University Policies:
Effective Date: September 26, 2017
Supersedes: July 1, 2008; April 27, 2011; January 29, 2015; January 28, 2016


The purpose of this policy is to define:

• the types of awards for undergraduate and graduate students
• the responsibilities and accountabilities associated with establishing new scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes
• the responsibilities and accountabilities associated with revising the terms of existing scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes


1.00 Types of Awards for Undergraduate Students

Scholarship: A monetary award having a fixed minimum value, based on general academic excellence (normally a minimum "A" (80%) average), or on excellence in a specific subject or group of subjects, and in some cases also on non-academic criteria.

Award: A monetary payment given on the basis of a combination of academic and non-academic criteria. Normally, a minimum "B" (70%) average is required for undergraduate students.

Bursary: A monetary award/payment based primarily on demonstrated financial need.

Prize: A monetary award or non-monetary award (or a combination of both), normally $500 or more, based on general academic excellence or on proficiency in a specific area of study or competition.

External Award: An award given to a student of the University by an external agency. Normally the University's role or responsibility is only to advertise the existence of the award to the University Community, however, in some cases: 1) pre-screening of applications is done by the University and/or 2) records of award recipients may be maintained.

2.00 Types of Awards for Graduate Students

Scholarship/Award: A monetary payment having a fixed value, based on general academic excellence, or on excellence in a specific subject or group of subjects, and in some cases also on non-academic criteria.

Bursary: A monetary payment given to a graduate student to assist them in pursuing their education based on demonstrated financial need.


In accordance with provisions of The University of Western Ontario Act and Senate and Board Committees’ Terms of Reference, new scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes are approved by the Senate Committee on Scholarships and Awards (SCAPA) on behalf of Senate, and by the Property and Finance Committee on behalf of the Board.

A donor or a representative of the donor may not be involved in the selection of an individual for an award, scholarship or prize that has been funded by the donor.

However, consideration will be given to donor or donor representative involvement in the selection process for awards or scholarships connected to offers of internships, co-op or other types of employment, in recognition of the importance of facilitating employment opportunities for students.

Donor or donor representative involvement will be dependant on the intent of the donor, details of the gift and award or scholarship, and the employment opportunity. A donor or donor representative will be provided only with student information that is necessary for the selection of the applicant, will agree to maintain Western’s privacy policy, will represent a minority position on the selection committee, and will be at an arm’s length relationship with all applicants considered by the selection committee.

Amendments to the terms (changes in value, number, effective date or discontinuation) of existing scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes are within the authority of the administration to approve. If the proposed amendments would change the original intent of the award or substantially change the terms, these will be considered under the approval process established for new scholarships, awards and prizes. The University Secretary, or designate, will determine if this is warranted for any of the proposed amendments.

Senate Academic Policies, Scholarships and Awards, Approval Process for Scholarships, Awards and Prizes