Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Student Financial Services

Expenses, Tuition and Refund information

Please visit the Student Financial Services website to view tuition levels for domestic and international students.

Personal and living expenses vary according to personal needs.  See Fees and Payment Plans for rates at Western residences.

It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with and understand all the University regulations contained in the Calendar; to understand how adding and dropping a course or courses, withdrawal, etc., affects a tuition fee account; and to ensure that tuition fees are paid in full without any notice from the University.

Failure to pay outstanding tuition and other related fees will result in academic and financial penalties up to and including removal from courses. For more information, refer to ACADEMIC SANCTIONS.  Refer to the Student Financial Services website for Deregistration and Reinstatement fees, as well as other supplemental fees.

A student's registration is dependent upon payment of fees and academic eligibility.

Students are considered full-time if they register in 3.5 credits or more.  Tuition will be charged on a per course basis if students are registered in less than 4.0 credits.  Failure to complete the registration process during the designated time will result in a late registration fee.

Proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status

Must be submitted to Student Central, room 1120 in the Western Student Services Building prior to registration. If this information is not received promptly, International Student fees will be charged.

International Students

International Students whose status in Canada has changed must submit proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status to Student Central, room 1120 in the Western Student Services Building. To be eligible to pay the lower Canadian tuition rate, you must submit your documentation no later than November 1 of the current academic year. This deadline cannot be changed. If you provide proof of Canadian citizenship after this date, you will not receive a refund. No retroactive changes are possible. You will be required to pay the amount that was originally assessed.

Concurrent Degrees – One Professional and One Bachelor Degree Taken at the Same Time

Students who are currently registered in a professional degree may apply for permission to register concurrently in a Bachelor degree. Tuition fees applicable to the professional degree will be charged and primary registration will reflect the Faculty offering the professional degree in all academic terms, including registration in non-professional summer courses, co-op, and internship.

Course Cancellations

When courses are cancelled because a minimum enrolment quota has not been met, the full tuition paid will be refunded to a student. Every attempt will be made to assist the student in finding an alternative course of study. No interest is paid on refunded tuition.


Student fees fall into three basic categories: tuition fees, non-tuition-related ancillary fees, and supplementary fees. Please refer to the OOR website for detailed information.

Please refer to the Office of the Regristrar Fees website for the following information:

  • Tuition fee payment deadlines
  • Tax information (T2202A forms, T4A forms)
  • Supplementary fees (e.g. late payment penalties, late registration and deregistration charges)
  • Conmpulsory Non-Tuition Related Ancillary fees
  • Student Donation Fees
  • Concurrent Degrees
  • Methods of Payment
  • OSAP student loans, External Sponsors, Scholarships, Bursaries
  • Withdrawals and Refunds

Special Fee Deferments

In special circumstances, if a student is unable to pay the required fees by the fee payment due date, they should to go to Student Central, Room 1120, Western Student Services Building or e-mail to discuss deferment arrangements. Fee deferments are not granted for full fees. Special deferments are available to students on the basis of proven financial need.

All special deferments are dependent upon a previously established good credit rating with Student Financial Services. Therefore, students who are taking their first course at Western will not be considered for a deferment.

Note: If Student Financial Services have agreed to a deferment of fees, a late payment penalty may still be applied. Deferments may be cancelled if a student fails to comply with the terms of the deferment or new information is introduced regarding the ability of a student to pay outstanding fees.

All payments remitted to the University will be applied towards any outstanding debt first. Students with outstanding debt will not be permitted to register for future terms. The same policy applies for the Spring/Summer sessions.

Outstanding Debts

It is the student's responsibility to ensure that all fees are paid. Students may view their account balance online at For more information, refer to ACADEMIC SANCTIONS and Deregistration and Reinstatement in the Supplemental Fees section.

Outstanding accounts may be referred to a collection agency. The University's Collection Agency will protect all personal information in its possession or control in accordance with all applicable privacy and data protection laws.

Failure to make payment in full by the due date on the statement of account or arrange a deferment will result in financial and academic sanctions. For more information, refer to ACADEMIC SANCTIONS and Deregistration and Reinstatement in the supplemental fees section.

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Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance Application forms for Bursaries and work study can be found by logging into the Student Center at: Information for these programs can be found at Student Financial Services.

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)

OSAP Applications for Western students are to be submitted to the Student Financial Aid office. Students must complete the application process, including the submission of all supporting documentation by June 30th, to ensure your funding is available in September. For more information on OSAP visit the OSAP website at

Averaging of course load for OSAP purposes is not permitted. Students must maintain a 60% course load in first term (September to December) and 60% course load in second term (January to April) to meet the minimum course load requirement for OSAP. Students with a disability must maintain a minimum of 40% course load each term.

For information on other government assistance programs such as the Part-time Canada Student Loan (PTCSL) program, Child Care Bursaries, and Bursaries for Students with Disabilities, visit the OSAP web site at

Out-of-Province Students

Apply for assistance through your provincial Ministry of Education. The aid provided is tenable at any recognized Canadian university.

International Students

International students may be eligible for consideration for bursary assistance. The Ministry of Employment and Immigration, however, requires that all international students show they have adequate resources before they may be admitted to Canada. Consequently, a bursary will normally be awarded only if there is evidence that circumstances have changed since arrival in Canada. Information about the Visa Student Bursary Program may be obtained from the Student Financial Website:, the Student Financial Services office, or the International Student website:

Scholarships and Awards

Western Admission Scholarship
Applicants with a final admission average between 90% and 91.9% will receive $1,500 in first year plus $1,000 for an optional study abroad experience. 

Western Scholarship of Distinction
Applicants with a final admission average of 92% or higher will receive $2,500 in first year plus $1,000 for an optional study abroad experience.

Western Scholarship of Excellence
250 scholarships awarded to students with the top high school admission average. The value of the scholarship will be $6,000 in first year plus $2,000 for an optional study abroad experience.

The National Scholarship Program: up to $65,000
If you qualify for one of these prestigious scholarships, you could be awarded up to $65,000 over 4 years. Outstanding academic performance, creative and innovative thought and exceptional achievement in extra-curricular activities are rewarded through the National Scholarship Program.

An application is required for consideration. For more information and to access the online application please visit:

Deadline is February 14.

Other Entrance Awards

There are also faculty specific entrance scholarships and awards with varying values and criteria. These have been established by the University, alumni, private donors and corporations to recognize the achievements of Western's students. These awards have been combined with the Admission Scholarship program.

Students coming directly from high school for first year full-time studies are automatically considered for these awards based on their final admission average (as calculated by Western). The award will be given in addition to or replace the student's existing Western Admission Scholarship, and be of either equal or greater value.

For more information: Refer to the web site at

General Policy on Scholarships and Awards

Gold Medals

Athletic Awards