Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025


Main Campus


President & Vice-Chancellor A. Shepard, BA, PhD, English

Provost & Vice-President (Academic) F. Strzelczyk, BA, MA, PhD

Vice-President (Operations & Finance) L. Logan, CPA, CA, MBA    

Vice-President (Research) P. Pexman, BA, MA, PhD

Vice-President (University Advancement) K. Bertrand, BA, CFRE 

Associate Vice-President (Alumni Relations) T. Akin-Aina, BA, MA

Associate Vice-President (Development) D. James, BA, MLIS

Associate Vice-President (Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) O. Oloya, BA, MEd, PhD

Associate Vice-President (Facilities Management) A. Konowalchuk, MArch

Associate Vice-President (Financial Services) E. Mallory, HBA, CPA, CA

Associate Vice-President (Housing & Ancillary Services) C. Alleyne, HBA, MBA

Associate Vice-President (Human Resources) J. O'Brien, BA

Associate Vice-President (Innovation & Strategic Partnerships) D. Muir, BSc, PhD

Associate Vice-President (Institutional Planning & Budgeting) R. Chelladurai

Associate Vice-President (Research) A. Allan, BSc, PhD

Associate Vice-President (Research) J. Burkell, PhD

Associate Vice-President (Research) B. Neff, PhD

Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President (Indigenous Initiatives) C. Bressette, BA, BEd, PhD

Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President (International) L. Cho, PhD

Acting Vice-Provost (Academic Planning, Policy & Faculty) N. Keyghobadi, PhD

Vice-Provost (Academic Programs) S. Lewis, BA, BMus, MMus, PhD

Vice-Provost (Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies) Kamran SiddiquiPhD, PEng, FASME, FCSME

Vice-Provost (Students) J. Doerksen, BMus, MMus, PhD

Vice-Provost and Chief Librarian (Western Libraries) G.Little, BA, MISt, MA

Acting Deputy Provost J. Hutter, PhD

University Registrar M. Modeski, BJourn, MA

University Secretary A. Bryson, LLB, ICD.D

Chief Communications Officer A. Blackburn-Evans, BA, MA, PR

Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer M. Daley, BSc, MSc, PhD

Executive Director, Advancement Operations T. Loosemore, BSc, MBA

Executive Director, Government Relations A. Irving, BA (Hons), MA

Executive Director, Office of the President & Senior Advisor to the President N. Stewart, BA, MA

Executive Director, Office of the Provost K. Burke

Executive Director, Operations & Finance A. Wright, BA, MBA

Executive Director, Western Research L. Cechetto, BSc, MSc, MBA

Director, Campus Safety and Emergency Services B. Chantler

University Legal Counsel P. Eluchok, BA, LLB

Special Advisor to the President (Entrepreneurship) E. Morse, PhD


Arts and Humanities (Acting) I. Paul, BA, PhD

Education D. Kotsopoulos, BA, BEd, MEd, PhD

Engineering K. Coley, BSc, PhD

Health Sciences J. Garland, BScPT, MCISc, PhD

Information and Media Studies L. Henderson, BAA, MA, PhD

Ivey Business School J. Birkinshaw, MBA, PhD

Law (Acting) A. Botterell BA (Hons), Ph.D, JD

Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry J. Yoo, MD, FRCSC, FACS

Don Wright Faculty of Music M. Kim, BMus, MMus, DMA

Science M. Davison, BASc (Engineering), MSc, PhD

Social Science N. Harney, BA, MA, PhD


Huron University College

President B. Craig, BA, MA, PhD

Dean of Arts and Social Science G. Read, PhD

Dean of Theology D. Smith, PhD

King's University College

President (Acting) R. Ventresca, PhD