Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025


Other - Non Modular Program BMOS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM
Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science

Module/Program Information

The themed program, MOS Internship Program, aims to provide an 8 – 16 month practical degree-related experience in an employment setting. All students enrolled in the third year of a four-year undergraduate degree program including an Honours Specialization, Honours Double Major or Specialization in a MOS module at Huron University College, Brescia University College, and King’s University College are eligible to enroll in the MOS Internship Program.

Students must also satisfy the eligibility requirements which are to: be enrolled in full-time undergraduate studies at Huron, Brescia, or King’s; have at least a 70% average; have successfully completed the second-year principal courses required for their degree including Business Administration 2257, or MOS 2227A/B and MOS 2228A/B, have completed at least 5.0 credits; be in good standing with the Department; be returning to full-time studies at Huron, Brescia, or King’s to complete the final year of their studies.

Students interested in the program should apply through the Career Services Office at in the fall of their third academic year.

Students will be registered in and attend all preparatory workshops and meet other preparatory requirements included in MOS 3494 - Internship during the year prior to their work term. Students who are successful in securing a placement will pay an administrative fee and will receive 1.0 credits for the course once the themed program is complete. Students who are unsuccessful in securing a placement will be withdrawn from MOS 3494 without penalty, and will not be liable for the administrative fee.

During their work term, students will be registered in one of three courses depending on the length of time of the practical experience component: MOS 3490 - Internship: Work Term (8 month option), MOS 3491 - Internship: Work Term (9-12 month option), or MOS 3492 - Internship: Work Term (13-16 month option). Students who complete a second Internship work term with a second company will also be registered in MOS 3493 – Internship: Work Term (second 8 month option). Following the work term, students will complete a report and oral presentation. A grade of pass/fail will be assigned to each of the course components completed as part of the themed program.

Students who qualify to receive a continuing scholarship in the academic year in which they participate in the MOS Internship Program are permitted to defer receipt of the scholarship for one year.