Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Western Main Campus

Faculty of Science - Mathematics

Admission Requirements

Completion of first-year requirements, including:

0.5 course: A mark of at least 60% in Calculus 1000A/B or Calculus 1500A/B.

0.5 course: A mark of at least 60% in Calculus 1501A/B (recommended) or a mark of at least 85% in Calculus 1301A/B. (Numerical and Mathematical Methods 1412A/B and Numerical and Mathematical Methods 1414A/B) or (the former Applied Mathematics 1412A/B and Applied Mathematics 1414A/B) or the former Applied Mathematics 1413 (each with a mark of at least 60%) may be used to replace the 1.0 Calculus course requirement. Mathematics 1120A/B and Mathematics 1700A/B are recommended.  

Students with a complete first year that does not meet the above requirements may be admitted after a second-year half-course in Calculus with a mark of at least 60%.

Module/Program Information

4.0 courses:

0.5 course from: Mathematics 2700A/B, the former Mathematics 2120A/B.
0.5 course from: Calculus 2302A/B, Calculus 2402A/B, Calculus 2502A/B.
0.5 course
from: Applied Mathematics 2402A/B, Applied Mathematics 2814F/G, Calculus 2303A/B, Calculus 2503A/B, Mathematics 2122A/B.
2.5 additional courses from: Earth Sciences 2222A/B, Economics 2122A/B, Economics 2123A/B, Economics 2141A/B, Economics 2210A/B, Economics 2222A/B, Economics 2223A/B, Economics 3310A/B, Philosophy 2250, Philosophy 2251F/G, Philosophy 2252W/X, Philosophy 2254A/B, the former Philosophy 3201A/B, any Actuarial Science, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Data Science, Financial Modelling, Mathematics, Numerical and Mathematical Methods, or Statistical Sciences course at the 2000 level or above. Note that some of these courses have prerequisites that are not part of the module.