Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Western Main Campus

Faculty of Arts and Humanities - English and Writing Studies

Admission Requirements

Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 principal courses, including 1.0 course from English 1020-1999 plus 2.0 additional courses with no mark in these principal courses below 60% (Principal courses refers to the next two courses with the highest grades).

Module/Program Information

10.0 courses:

1.0 course in a Survey of Literary Traditions from: English 2301E, English 2401E, English 2501E, English 2601E.
1.0 course in Theory from: English 2200-2260, English 3200-3210, 0.5 of this requirement may be substituted from Theatre Studies 3205F/G, Film Studies 3371F/G, or Writing 2215F/G.
1.0 course from: English 2100-2999.
1.0 course in Language or Medieval Literature and Language from: English 3300-3319; or the former English 3001, the former English 3012, the former English 3115E, the former English 3116E.
1.0 course in Renaissance or Eighteenth-Century Literature from: English 3320-3349, English 3440-3449, English 3540-3549, English 3640-3649; or the former English 3224E, the former English 3226E, (but not English 3333E (Huron)).
1.0 course in Post-1800 Literature from: English 3350-3399, English 3450-3499, English 3550-3599, English 3650-3699, English 3700-3799, English 3850-3899.
1.0 course from: English 2000-3999; or, Medieval Studies, Theatre Studies, or Writing numbered 2200 to 3999; or Classical Studies 3100E.
1.0 course from: English 3000-3999.
1.0 course from: English 3000-4999.
1.0 course from: English 4000-4999.

Note: In the course of the module, at least 0.5 of the student's course work (numbered English 2017 or 2100 or above) must examine issues of diversity. A list of suitable courses is maintained on the Department website.

French or a foreign language is recommended for students intending to apply to graduate schools or professional programs.