Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 course from English 1020E or English 1022E or English 1024E or English 1035E or English 1036E or both of English 1027F/G and English 1028F/G with a mark of at least 60%. Students should consult with the Department prior to admission.
4.0 courses:
1.0 course from: English 2301E, English 2401E, English 2501E, English 2601E, or the former English 2307E, the former English 2308E, the former English 2309E, or English 2310E.
1.0 course in English at the 2200 level or above.
2.0 E, F, or G (essay) courses in English at the 2000 level or above. *Students may substitute a 0.5 course in Writing towards this requirement.