Academic Calendar - 2023 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2023ARCHIVE


Humanities, School of

Admission Requirements

Completion of first year requirements, including 1.0 course from History 1201E, History 1401E, History 1404E, History 1601E, or History 1801E, with a minimum mark of 60%, or Political Science 1020E, or Political Science 1021F/G and Political Science 1022F/G, with a minimum mark of 60%. A course at the 1000 level in both History and Political Science is recommended to satisfy prerequisites for the module's core courses.

Module/Program Information

6.0 courses:

3.0 courses from: History 2103 or History 2403E, History 2202 or History 2205E, History 2201E or History 2206, Political Science 2131 or Political Science 2231E.
1.0 course(s) from: History 2108F/G or History 2408F/G, History 2126A/B, History 2159A/B or History 2459F/G, History 2170A/B, Political Science 2290E, the former Political Science 2287A/B, Political Science 2292F/G, Political Science 2289F/G.
1.5 courses from: History 3205E, History 3440E, History 3411E, History 4423E, History 4704E, Political Science 3320E, Political Science 3338F/G, Philosophy 3025F/G, English 3351F/G.
0.5 course from: History 4808A/B, Political Science 4428A/B.


Students in this module must take at least 1.5 courses in Political Science at the 2200-level and above and 2.5 courses in History at the 2200-level and above.
Students are advised that some of the upper-year level courses in the module may have prerequisites; students may need to plan ahead or request special permission to enroll.
Students in third or fourth year may substitute up to 2.5 courses as part of a student exchange with permission of the Chair of the School of Humanities.