Academic Calendar - 2023 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2023ARCHIVE



Admission Requirements

Completion of first-year requirements, including at least 0.5 course with a mark of at least 60% from History 1401E, History 1404E, History 1601E, History 1801E, History 1812F/G, History 1813F/G, History 1814F/G, History 1820F/G, or History 1901E, or the former History 1403E.

Module/Program Information

6.0 courses:

1.0 course from: Canadian History 2201E, History 2203E, History 2205E.
2.0 courses from: History 2301E (U.S.), History 2403E (European), History 2501E (Latin America), History 2650E (East Asia), History 2800F/G (Methods), History 2808F/G (Philosophy of History).

Note: 2.0 of the 3.0 core courses must be taken before year 4.

1.0 additional course in History at the 2200 level or above.
2.0 courses in History at the 3000 or 4000 level.

This module must satisfy a Geographic Distribution Requirement. This is satisfied by taking:

1.0 course from U.S. History 2300-2399, History 3300-3399, and History 4300-4399;
1.0 course from European History 2400-2499, History 3400-3499, History 4400-4499; and
1.0 course from World History 2500-2599, History 2600-2699, History 3500-3599, History 3600-3699, History 4500-4599, History 4600-4699; History 2800F/G and History 2808F/G.

Students considering graduate school or other post-degree programs are strongly urged to take a 4000 level History course.