Academic Calendar - 2023 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2023ARCHIVE



An innovative Certificate program offering professionals and lay persons an opportunity to explore cultural, social, and personal aspects of loss, death, dying, and grief; to gain knowledge and experience in providing support for those who experience significant losses, individuals who are terminally ill, and those who experience grief, and to examine relevant legal, ethical, and social issues. The program emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of loss and grief, with an emphasis on effective support and collaboration with community-based services. Many of the courses in this program will be offered online or in mixed-methods teaching models. The Certificate in Loss, Grief, and Bereavement Studies replaces the former Certificate in Grief and Bereavement Studies offered through Western's Centre for Continuing Studies.

Academic standing is retained for the degree-credit courses completed in a certificate program. Students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program, may pursue the Certificate concurrently with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Courses for the Certificate taken concurrently with a Thanatology module may count for both.

Admission Requirements

Enrolment in the Certificate requires students currently registered in an undergraduate program, to have a cumulative average of 65%.

Module/Program Information